Monday, January 15, 2007



I just lost my temper over a very small thing, which I know I really shouldn't have.

But the people around me suddenly seemed very annoying to me and I just want them to shut up! Stop complaining, stop making mistakes and stop making a big fuss out of everything!!!

Gosh, I really need a break from this workload, annual party performance thing and studying. There was this reunion dinner tonight with a few of my high school friends (HK) that I have been looking forward to. Suddenly it no longer seems appealing and actually I think it's going to take up my time. Argh... am I going to have enough time tonight studying?!


  1. Relax! sometimes i had same feeling with you, if you don't have time to study, just call your high school friends that you are sick, they will understand & you can make it in another day.

  2. calm down calm down~~!!^^

  3. actually dinner was fun. not that if i came home early i'd get much work done.

    i think i was just pissed that everything's crammed together!! ok, now i can be mad at myself for not accomplishing anything today!

  4. 放輕鬆放輕鬆,記住你係靚女黎嘅,唔好發掹掙呀,唔係做幾多mask都冇用架喇!

    溫書嘛,考試都係考鬥吹水遮,溫唔溫都係咁上下... ;P
