Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I am a MEANIE!

I started to have flu symptoms late afternoon yesterday and I'm worried that I'll get sick again (because I felt like the same as I caught the cold a few months ago). There were so many people being sick now in the office so air quality is really bad.

This morning when I first came back to office, I heard this really nasal woman voice talking loudly on the phone. I immediately recognised that (1) the woman has a cold and (2) the woman was the horribly annoying boss of our front office IT team. Her teams have moved over to our back office in MK and only come back occasionally for meetings. But whenever she comes, she'll take the seat in the aisle next to ours because those were the empty seats reserved for this purpose.

Seeing that it's someone who really annoys me (her voice - when it's in normal state, it's absolutely abominable. And well, we don't have any dealings with each other. But she's purely the type that is 「雖無過錯,面目可憎」 to me. See, I'm mean!), I asked Mr. Chan for a mask (he bought some the other day because he was coughing, but he only put on once so far!). So, I'm happily wearing one right now.

I'm not sure if she'll notice or understand, as she was standing quite close to me. I felt really sorry to her subordinates whom she was talking to. They couldn't turn away from her nor ask her to cover her mouth!

I mean, if you're not feeling well (and when you're feeling THAT unwell), you really should go home and get some rest or wear a mask to work!


  1. No la~ there's always one of those in every office.

    Bright side is you're not in her team. hehe

    Hope you feel better!

  2. hehehe.. i know. hope that she'll go away soon!!!

  3. It's really selfish that people who are sick don't wear a mask.

    Anyway, take care!

  4. 你定梗係出黎做野冇耐喇,話我教壞你地都係咁話架喇:



    (當然我努力保持身體健康,我都係有病唔返公d人黎嘅... )

  5. Take care!

    Aulina's suggestion is good, yesterday i went to have eye checking but i applied one-day sick leave! I really feel good!

  6. aulina.... hahahahahaha :D

    sorry, i just couldn't help it.

    i think ning-jing is only a F5 student la. but the same theory applies to students, too!

    of coz i know what they use sick leave for. but still, wearing a mask is a simple thing and it's just courtesy! wearing a mask at work IS, in fact, a very effective way to show how hardworking you are!

    i was wearing mask yesterday and this morning and everyone looked scared and "concerned" and "caring". hahahaha :P
