Monday, January 08, 2007


Sunny.Doesn't feel so cold now.16C

I wanted to go to the Gerstein plays Gershwin concert this weekend, but I had a difficult time trying to find someone to go with me. As I've said (somewhere) before, I don't understand why I didn't/couldn't find friends that would have more common interests with me so that we can do things together more often instead of just having lunches or dinners. In fact, when I think more clearly, I hardly do anything with my friends anymore except eating.

I go to movies alone (or with my Mum. Well, this is probably the thing that I do most with my friends except eating).

I go to gym alone.

I go to concerts alone (or with my Mum, who is rather reluctant and tends to fall asleep).

I go to Canto-pop concerts with friends, who are not so close (and a few who have become a little distant).

I eat lunch alone (or at my desk. Mum joins me for lunch sometimes as well).

I watch TV (mostly the piled-up TV drama) alone or with Mum who sometimes dismiss herself half way through the show.

I mean all of the above can be done alone, and I sometimes enjoy doing them alone - you don't have to make plans with another person, check schedules, ask the other person's preference for seats/price/location, etc. But if I start to do everything alone, I will become more and more isolated with the people I know. I mean, there are other people out there that like watching the movies I like, listen to the music I listen to, plays badminton and squash, but why aren't those people someone I know?! I start to think this mismatch is some kind of a joke which is to deepen my belief that I am a loner.

I don't know. I have been doing things alone throughout my life.

I think I am a loner. I am an only child. I learnt a musical instrument which is mostly played for solo performance, and the learning and practising is a lot of solitude work. I played alone when I was a small child and I didn't mingle with children from my age or classmates after class. Even when I grew older, during my teenage years, I didn't get any chance to go out with my friends in the weekends. In college, I had a roommate but she's almost inexistent because most of the time she would recede to her boyfriend's place and I had the whole place to myself. Right now at work, I didn't have to work with anyone and I didn't really get to know anyone very well. They all seem to have their own friends and circles already. I might seem to have many friends, but I never got really close with any of them. Most of the time it seemed like I was tagging along so that I could hang out with people but it was really just me trying to push away the loneliness and I didn't have to be by myself all the time.

On this very cold day, though sunny, I feel like a loner. And because there isn't anyone to share the joy of the good weather with me, I feel even more like one.


  1. how about i meet you outside Tomlee in intermission?

  2. Hey. I was about to ask, do you wanna take some fun classes together?

  3. {{{hugs}}} It's a common misbelief that people have to be in groups. In reality, it's not. In the workplace people hang around only for the sake of info / gossip exchange - there are no friends at work!!!!!! (Whether you can become friends later afer you no longer work together is another story.)

    You're who you are. Don't compare yourself with what you see because sometimes what you see is not the reality.

  4. I also feel quite lonely all the time...

  5. dear girls & si-chit for your messages :)

    i was just telling Sandee... that it might be a bit scary for the readers as ppl will start to think that i'm depressed. i guess it's just a mixture of things and a spur of the moment. it's monday, it's after the holidays, there's a lot of work, and i can't (easily!) find someone who would willingly go to the concert with me ... it's more like self-pity as well.

    i guess that's what blog is for. when you're not up to talking to a real person about how you're feeling, you can just dump things here. as i don't have the extravgance of pouring my secrets/ dumping my unhappiness/ badmouthing other ppl into a hole in Angkor Wat's stone temple like Tony Leung did in "In the Mood for Love"... I'm doing it here.

    my mum has this theory that there's no real friends forever. and family? it's lucky that you've got a close one becoz not everybody does. so in the end, everyone is still alone...

  6. vicky: sure... let's meet up.

    but don't you need to meet 小乖??

  7. Lu,

    It's okay, i will go to washroom immediately & wait for you there.

  8. hei lu, you are not alone, think of the others lonely people in the world...

    I go to the concerts by myself sometimes, it's absolutely OK and I start to enjoy it.

  9. thanks yuen yuen :)

    i actually don't mind going to concerts/movies alone. but sometimes when you want to find someone to go with you and you can't, it's very frustrating!!

    and i'm grateful i still have some friends and my parents around me!
