Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Lost & Found

Sunny.Freezing Cold OUTSIDE.12C

Feeling a bit happier this morning. Probably because I wasn't as late as yesterday and I finished all the taped TV programmes (aka i'm up to date :D, except for House 2...).

I was trying to tape 4400 so that I could take a shower and somehow the VCR didn't work. Then I found out it the output thingy to the TV reception box wasn't plugged in correctly by the mechanics when they set up our TV after they fixed it and sent it back. And... I found my Lilo & Stitch tape!! It has mysteriously gone missing for some reason and I couldn't watch it over the summer (and yes, I was too lazy to rent it and too cheap to buy the vcd). And guess where it was? It's somehow tucked behind the VCR!

Anyway, guess that's something to cheer me up despite the loner issue is still here and piles of work waiting for me.

I'll try to squeeze some time today during lunch to finish off my Apivita masks post!


  1. The story of 4400 last night was so weird, i don't like it, it's not a lost you miss it.

  2. oh i watched it... it's ok la. it's like a break from the "normal" stuff. but I don't really like Alana.

    but i don't understand why Kyle killed Collier. if Kyle was actually one of the selected 4400 (but intervened by Sean. this was last season), and he was a medium used to pass the message on from the future to his dad, then why was he the one killing Collier? Maybe Collier was up to something that the future doesn't like? Well, if that's the case then Sean is in trouble because he's going to carry on what Collier is doing...

  3. Oh, at least you can explain it, i totally can't figure it out.
