Sunday, January 21, 2007

Do you like me for who I am?

*Warning: Might contain spoiler*

I'm on a TV/movie spree again. Just watched Happy Birthday yesterday and Blood Diamond (abbreviated as BD below) this afternoon. I have cried a bit for both movies... actually more for the latter. Well, I'm a big crying baby when I watch movies, so there!

DiCaprio has grown up a lot and his acting in the BD has greatly matured and improved. He was a bit show-offy in The Aviator, but he's doing just right in BD. Gosh, I love his accent! It is strange that the movie has a white person as the lead because it's all about the life and stories of the black Africans. But if the movie doesn't have DiCaprio, it will not arouse much interest despite the controversial topic. Anyway, Jennifer Connelly was as attractive and beautiful as ever and her character was her usual tougher type of woman. (I'd definitely say Alicia Nash is a very strong woman!)

There are so many other movies that I want to see these few weeks! But unfortunately none of those are HK movies. In fact, there aren't any HK movies showing except for Happy Birthday! I want to see Babel, Fur, Marie Antoinette, and The Perfume. The Perfume has been on my reading list for years but I have never gotten around to it (not that I have gotten around to any of my class reading). Now that the movie is showing starting next week, I guess I'll either have to watch the movie first and then read the novel later, or... screw the novel. There's been a lot of adaptation lately (from novels to movies). Is this a trend showing that screenplay writers are running out of ideas with new plots and stories? Or is it simply because there are too many good novels and the best way to bring them out under the spotlight is to transform them into a movie??

Prison Break was action packed as expected. But too many people died. I was so sad that Charles couldn't make it and it ended like that for him. Ah well, too many sad things happen all the time.

Urgh, I was so mad that I've forgotten to tape the first episode of Hotel Babylon. Actually this is another novel-TV adaptation creation. The TV CM looks pretty good but don't really know much about it. Hopefully it's not like Las Vegas. I don't like LV much, the style of the series is rather strange.

I was catching up with last week's 4400, (there are only 5 more episdoes left!) it was rather heartbreaking to see that Maya was still having trust issue with people. "Do you like me for who I am?" I guess it hits her really hard because of her "gift" and she's still too young to figure out if people are treating her well because of the gift or not. Not that I have any special gift like vision-seeing, but it's also a question I ask myself often enough... the you could be a friend, a colleague, a... I guess I just have issue with self-confidence. Maybe I shouldn't care about what other people think that much, and just concentrate on what I think about myself. That'll be very hard!


  1. The other 2 novel adaptation that I've read are: Can you keep a secret? (Sophie Kinsella, lovely chick lit material, so easy to finish!) and The curious incident of a dog in Night-time (the little red one in my doubban log). I like the latter well and it's very easy to finish. After reading those I can understand why adaptation. They're already complete on their own, it's more cost-efficient to develop from them.

  2. i've read the curious incident as well.

    i don't think i'll want to watch the movie. i think i won't be able to stop crying. even though i didn't cry much when i was reading it.

    sophie kinsella... ah! next next next author on my reading list!!

  3. yes, it's a rather sad story... but I really like it.

    $3500... do you know anyone working in Park N Shop... they can get cash vouchers at 10% off, so you guys can make it $350 more worthy. :D

  4. eh... my comment disappeared.

    oh.. we had 7 males and i doubt if they'd like/care about PnS coupons... or extra money.

    anyway, we're going to eat it all. and since there's another girl who helped us with recording. we're inviting her over as well. and now the $3,500 is actually not enough!

    going to Tribute. surfed on their web and apparently it's VERY pricy!

  5. HI, come by to say hello! I have also watched the Prison Break and shared my views here:-
    (Ad time ^^)

  6. 紫熊:歡迎歡迎.今天我比較有空...會過去你那邊從頭看起.可是你每一篇都很長呢...
