Kiehl's Products are quite nice!
ReplyDeletethat's quite true. but i think not all products suit me well.
ReplyDeletebtw, you're so early!! or... you still haven't slept?
ReplyDelete最近急救時要用而用了不痛的,就只有body shop的那盒粉紅色vitamin E水份面膜,還可以用過夜的,減價後好像也是百來塊(還是更便宜?)
I have to buy one too!
kiehl's 我久唔久有試用, 但暫時都冇keep 住咁羅.
ReplyDelete我覺得d 面膜成日講到幾廿樣功能. 但我通常都唔多信. 淨係睇2 個功能 (1) 保濕 (2) 清潔. 其他美白呀, 咩抗氧化呀. 我唔係好信羅.
aulina - 咁你唔好用laneige 的sleeping mask 啦. 因為我聽好多人用過都會敏感.
vicky: that's what i read from another hk web page. may have to check the price again. US official online price was US$17, so it's about the same.
ReplyDeleteaulina: good that you've found one that works for you. i'm using the daycell overnight sleeping pack (actually same company as laneige), but i don't really like it. too much fragrance... it feels very chemical too.
紫熊: i know... when the product has so many functions, it means that it can't do well in a particular area!
lu: 妳去台灣做乜冇買面膜呀?? 1500台幣就有100片! 好好用架~~~ :)
this one~~~ :) next time try try la! hohoho~~
ReplyDelete謝啦!先計下來,下次會記得買. :)
ReplyDelete又打錯字啦!!!! >_<~~~
Kiehl's Products don't suit me well...(except shampoo and conditioner, hand cream...) but some bloggers highly recommended that overnight peeling thing... that i may consider.
ReplyDelete多謝紫熊提醒(我好少好少好少會買呢啲嘢,多數都係body shop架咋)
ReplyDeleteMD: over night peeling??? 我皮薄(餡亦唔見靚),用親死梗... 砂都唔係好磨得,所以皮膚好唔掂... :(
mad dog: 我有用Kiehl's的overnight peeling,對我的皮膚不太合適,塗了幾天後有暗瘡,暫時不敢再用。
aulina: 我宜家用吓clairins隻peeling咁囉, ok啦. 好多人話kiehl's隻peeling好神奇, 但用過夜我就有D驚...
ReplyDeletepuiyee: 用完出暗瘡?!?!!? 嘩咁我都唔敢用啦!
moisturising mask宜家用dr. hauschka, 幾好, 好潤.