Tuesday, December 12, 2006



I think it's such a relief that this class is finished.

We had a presentation tonight, and after all groups have presented, we each got to vote for the best stock that has been recommended in the presentations. We were only allowed one vote and we had to vote for another group than our own. The members of the group that receives the highest vote will each get extra points to the course.

The result was very surprising. Because, my group has actually won.

I shouldn't even say our group, because it really was just the work of one group mate. He has totally believed in the stock (he picked it), and his rationale. I was very skeptical because the assumptions were way too optimistic. But since I cannot provide better argument to prove the contrary, or come up with a better candidate, I have remained silent.

I don't know. Winning this vote doesn't really prove anything. It doesn't mean that we have done well. It doesn't mean that we know the materials inside out. It doesn't even mean that each one of us knows our stock well.

All I know is that we get the extra points. I think that's the best Christmas present this year.


  1. 是否成班人玩虛擬?

  2. Which stock did your teammate pick? hehe I'm surprised mokit didn't ask! =)

  3. >玩虛擬... yes geh...
    i did the same project in undergrad, but the quality was so much higher!!!!!!!!!!

    >which stock. we did 493-hk :)

    mokit is v busy. he's taking sabbatical leave from blogging!

  4. I am quite new to your blog. What kind of course you are taking?

  5. Hi ruth...

    were you the same ruth who has a blog and i've left messages there before?

    i'm doing a msc in investment mgmt...
