Thursday, December 21, 2006

MCU: Missing Comments Unit


I was "forced" to upgrade my IE at home to IE7 the other day, and problems started to surface with Blogger. I'm not sure whether it's got to do with IE7 or with Blogger getting out of the beta phase. It could be a combined effect from both.

Anyway, I just found out that the comments I have left on my or other people's blogs using my home PC are GONE. But not all of them are gone. At least Carrie's got my Christmas plan message... For my own blog, I actually has received the comment notification, but I couldn't find them when I launched my blog again. Maybe I can dig out those emails and re-post the comments. The Blogger Help Group is so messy that any useful info are lost and difficult to locate. But I should try that regardless.



  1. that's an alternative.

    or i might use FireFox (but I didn't like it when I tried it last year).

    i can't post pictures with IE7! >_<~

  2. I think the old comments you left on my blog is still there, but they all became anonymous...

    Don't use firefox for blogging. It's pretty bad...

  3. REALLY??????? that's interesting

    um... ppl has been recommending firefox, but i just didn't like it. it took so long to open up a page and so on...

    oh well, guess i'll then have to have IE6 side by side w/ IE7 if that's possible.
