Cloudy.29CI've never really met any free-rider in school when we had to do group work as I was usually the luckiest in the group (i.e. other people has done the work voluntarily before I could). And if we have several homework assignments, I don't mind some people not doing one as long as they will make contributions to the other ones. And if so happens I come across an outright free-rider, then I will totally despise that person, ignore and disassociate with him/her. The most difficult case to handle is that the free-rider is a friend, well, actually, a not so close friend (but the closest in class).
What I hated it most was that A was being all nervous about the work and bitching about B for being non-responsive, didn't produce work, blah blah blah. Then, when come face-to-face with B, A became oh-so-friendly all of a sudden, and you would think that they were some long lost friends if you haven't heard about what A has said earlier. So my beautiful Sunday afternoon was spent on a 5-hours homework meeting, listening to A and B talking about boyfriends, work, client meetings, making money and fortune-telling, (which, seriously, I think they didn't know even 100000000000000000
th of the real stuff) and working alone on the project.
And about not producing work? Well, I have to say that what A sent out was totally trash. Data tables (don't ask me to explain what these stupid things are) that didn't have the correct values, summary which was the notes jotted down during our meeting and was totally jibberish if we ever turn that in. At least B turned out something that looked like work. What makes the day? A and B did the write up for the same part and so there's another part completely left behind. Ah... what's even better was that there was no response when I asked either of them to sort it out.
It just shows that they don't care at all. I mean, you don't just throw your part out and let the other people deal with it. What if I'm as nonchalant as them and we'll just let the assignment be half done? I mean, yeah yeah, you're busy with work, you might be sick. But hey, an email or sms reply would be nice. At least give me a reason for finishing up the shit work without feeling frustrated.
Well, I know I shouldn't be upset because this is not grade school anymore, and I should be at least glad that this homework wasn't difficult and even someone as dumb as I could handle it. But I need to vent!!!
OK, venting done. Time for bed.