Saturday, February 17, 2007


I refuse to admit that Winter is over.19C

I've finally had the courage to try playing squash again. Ever since I twisted my right knee two years ago, I have stopped playing badminton and squash, because there was simply no way for me not to run and would have the ball/shuttle hit. But then, of course, I am not a pro player, I don't even qualify as a squash player, the amount of "running" I did was really minimal.

For me, playing squash equals: locate the ball, swing the racquet backward and MISS! Yes, I usually hope that the ball can find its way to make contact with my racquet so I don't have to strike the ball at all. And usually I run forward too much and there is not enough space for the racquet to come back. And, usually, actually most importantly, I am too slow for the ball.

But oh well, it is a ball game that I can play on my own (yes, I played this morning by myself! Yeah! :D), and some sort of exercise that I can use my brain as well as my limps (cf. running on a treadmill. My friend, H, once suggested we might be running on the treadmill to general electricity for the gym. Who knows? Maybe it's true?!). I actually sort of like squash because it's a very "cool" sports (my dad used to play it and he REFUSES to teach me.) and of these two reasons. I can't talk when playing sports. First, I'm usually out of breath, and second, why the heck should I use my brain to think of a conversation instead of focusing on how to play the game more strategically, or simply just to play it with the correct postures??

Anyway, I only played for half an hour this morning. I did some warm up but once I started to run to catch the ball, I heard my right knee cracking again. And cracking means that the knee is twisted, or nearly twisted. So within the first five minutes, I heard it cracked twice, and that was really scary. I thought I was going to spend the new year in wheelchair again. But luckily, after some rather still forearm practices, my knee didn't hurt anymore. I actually managed to have 17 continuous hits. That was some achievement, even though most of the 30 minutes was serve-and-miss. Maybe I should start taking squash lessons again.


  1. I twisted my left knee so many times that there's sound whenever I bent my knee. Yet, I keep dancing. Maybe not a good example for others. I tie it with the elastic band and it "feels" safer. Not really sure if it helps.

    Yet, we need to take risk sometimes. So, just be careful, though that doesn't always work.

    Take care and have an enjoyable life.

  2. um... it happens to me as well. my right knee cracks now once in a while when i bend it.

    you're wrapping it with elastic band... as in knee support? my therapist said not to use that or the blood can't flow properly through the knee and it'll make the knee worse. but it's very troublesome because i walk quite fast most of the time.
