Monday, February 12, 2007

The Power of Tiffany

Saw this ad on NYTimes' electronic paper. Doesn't it make you smile? Doesn't it make you want to come closer and try to find out what's in it?

The ad is powerful; or I should say, branding is powerful. The ad is succinct, it's pure (!), it's immediately recognizable, and it draws your attention by that tiny placid aqua of a tranquil lake.

OK, maybe it'll set off the butterflies in the guys' stomachs to fly in all crazy directions.


  1. read a book by 深雪 called 月夜遺下了死心不息的眼睛 (sth. like that), it mentions the attraction of this little box...

    yeah....this ad is really great!

  2. I agree! It's such a great ad!

  3. yeah, esp. the greenish blue box + white ribbon. i bought my cousin her 18-yr-old birthday gift during Christmas, and i chose her a Tiffany silver ring. the salesman asked if i would like red ribbon instead (holiday season), and i said no, the white ribbon is classic!

  4. mad dog: totally agree. i think i fall for the box & ribbon more for what's inside.

    forgive me for saying it, but the aqua box and white ribbon is almost angelic.

  5. have you heard? the blue color is now called "the tiffany blue".

    My wedding band is Tiffany! So, you know how much i love this brand. And i must say, the ad is fabulous!

  6. 紫熊: my engagement ring is tiffany too. :)

  7. hehehe... wedding/engagement ring.. usually is either tiffany or cartier

    yes - i've heard that it's called the tiffany blue :) see how powerful branding is? hehe

  8. 做女人真好!


  9. 證明我一定唔係女人。完全冇feel... 點算?

    有收過一條T記銀鍊,當然好熟我那位知我不好就真係送部dreamcast俾我好過啦...係中學同學同嘅結婚禮物。一次都冇戴過。個tiffany blue袋仔,「嚟」手掉咗...

    雖則我買野都幾顛,但其實我都好鬼anti-consumerist,特別係luxury goods,真係完全可以唔過電。

    唔知使唔使check下我d 染色體睇下我係唔係女人?:D

  10. "做女人真好!

    有好多戒子收~ "

    LDD, despite of such fact, only a few, or only one ring is meaningful to a woman throughout her life.

  11. aulina, no la.. i'm actually similar, but not to your extreme. i don't wear jewellery at all. so even if i get any tiffany stuff, i'd be quite troubled becoz i don't know what to do with them. but the ad.... the ad is just great.

    carrie, that was a very wise insight. but we should keep it from the guys... or they will use it as excuses.

  12. I have a few Tiffany silver pieces, no longer wearing them now, but the boxes are my real treasures, I keep them in the drawer with ribbon tied (on the empty boxes!), everytime I have a glimpse on them, I feel sense of joy, sweetness and a bit of vanity.

  13. My wedding band is also Tiffany. Correct that for the rings that I take them seriously, they are from either Tiffany or Cartier.
