Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Spotting Antares, again!

Beautifully Clear Sky, with some random clouds.29C

The sky is so beautiful tonight! It's clear, it's bluish black, it's filled with stars! Even with the nearly-full moon so brightly hanging up there, and so much light pollution from the skyscrapers around, you can still see the stars clearly. I guess this must be the after-rain effect that Aulina mentioned in her poem.

And yes, I've spotted Antares again!

I totally didn't recognise it when I was looking out from my room's window at the mighty Jupiter. It was a bright, non-flickering star, so I figured that it must be one of the planets. So, I went to the interactive star chart on HK Space Museum's website to double check: (click to enlarge)

Viola! Not only did I prove myself right in spotting two planets (I still couldn't differentiate one planet from another) in the same sky tonight when I was taking the after-dinner stroll with Mum in the Racecourse, I have also found out that the bright red star right next to Jupiter was indeed Antares. (I actually saw it last year and read all about Jupiter being beside Antares... how could I have forgotten about it?!)

I'm going to tell Mum tomorrow morning that the really bright "thing" that we saw hanging over QE Stadium was Saturn, and the one on the other side was Jupiter and they are not satellites in the outer space!!! But I guess she'll just sneer at me even though she knows I'm right.

And seriously, I should get myself some more powerful binoculars. Using the small pair that I would bring to a concert or horse-race doesn't help much when it comes to identifying celestial bodies that are so far away. And if there are anyone from the buildings across or the flat up/downstairs accidentally saw me with my binoculars, they might think that I'm a pervert! >_<~


  1. I suck at astronomy...any good links to learn how to spot the stars from the sky?

    I might as well use my last chance to see the sky for I know I won't be able to do so soon...


  2. lu is scorpian???? wow... i have so many friends/significant other who are scorpian... fatal attraction. :P

  3. Yes, the sky was blue yesterday. When I looked out of my window, I could catch a very clean and clear view of the Island last night.

    Scorpian! Me too!!

  4. LDD: 你見過我啦,我好得人驚咩?!

    K: oh... you're leaving T soon? um... i'm not good at it neither. i could only spot the most obvious ones. don't have any good link... maybe you can start using that HK space museum interactive star chart. i always think it's best to take classes. i can't map what's on the book/paper to what's in the sky >_<~

    MD: yes, i'm a scorpio but no attractiveness at all la...

    xiao zhu: you're scorpio as well. hehe :)

  5. 怪事又發生喇!我明明尋晚留咗言架,點解會唔見咗嘅????

  6. 四妹: 妳梗係唔得人驚 la! 仲好俏 tim! 但天蠍座嘅女仔..... 唉, 我總之就好怕 la!

    三三: 有幾怪吖! 我喺妳壽桃牌麵嗰篇留咗言咪又唔見咗~

  7. LDD: agree w/ u, scorpian women are more fierce and difficult to deal with than scorpian men...

  8. 3: becoz.... you left it in the other post!! :P

    you said you couldn't see any star, right? maybe it's too bright (as in the lights from the bldgs) over your side?

    2: the scorpio girls that i know (quite a few actually) are ok woh. maybe you just have bad experience with.... girls! :P

    MD: fierce... maybe just more determined? :P

  9. haa... just kidding... my niece is also a scorpian, just not an ordinary kid... smart and sometimes cunning ;) haha.

  10. cunning.. kaka... and a little mysterious? :P

  11. Kafka said....

    I might as well use my last chance to see the sky for I know I won't be able to do so soon...

    so you are repatriating 2?

    excuse me ! Lu for borrowing this corner....

  12. Space: it's ok. i was sort of asking the same q anyway.

    2: yeeeeeee... don't advertise yourself here!!! XP
