Friday, May 18, 2007

Back in business

Sunny.Showers later?28C

I was so sad when my Manhattan credit card is no longer useful for booking movie tickets online earlier this year (or late last year?). So I have essentially stopped using the card and was thinking of shuffling it to the bottom of my drawer. (But of course I won't discontinue using the card because its service charge is waived for life. :P) (And, recently I have been obsessed with collecting different credit cards, which is really occupying quite a bit of space of my wallet. I should really stop that bad habit soon, too.)

And while I was checking out if the card is any good for going to the restaurants/bars in LKF/SoHo, a pop-up appears which has announced some great news! Tala~ we can now get 10% off Broadway cinema tickets + free service charge (1,500 points/ticket, which is actually <>

Yeah! The card has finally made itself useful to me again.

(oh well, I have such a petty mind...)


  1. (oh well, I have such a petty mind...)

    not just petty, but also pretty

    hahaha how many cards you got so far?

  2. i am an opposite. i only have one visa card for myself and one for the joint account with my husband. Okay, one IT visa card for me to shop at IZZUE. That's all. I terminate the card once i won't expect myself to use it anymore (even if service charge is waived for life). and i don't apply for new card unless there is a genuine need.

    re word verification, i guess you are right. i always take a long time to finish typing one comment.

  3. K: oh, thank you~ (i'll take that as a compliment! :P)

    i have 5 + 4 that come with one of them.

    紫熊: i tried to do that as well, but some cards are used for different purposes or have discounts at diff stores, so the number of credit card in my wallet is increasing! >_<~

    but anyway... what's the genuine need of a credit card? i don't think i can use up the credit limit of any one card anyway. hehe... (becoz i don't need to spend much)

  4. 我張manhattan咭係我個人第一張信用卡, 用左咁多年成日話想cut左佢最後都無. 後來仲整張附屬俾阿媽添. 幾張咭最鍾意都係AE gold debit card, 即使要俾年費我都支持佢, 試過用points換酒店及旅行飛機連酒店package, 非常正.

    近排用citibank 或 渣打咭去 Pret買sandwich/wrap 送咖啡喎, 幾著數, 去過兩次啦!

  5. MD: 我張manhattan卡都係我個人第一張信用卡!不過我張其實是id卡. :P




    我唔飲咖啡boh... 不過,o岩晒你!

  6. AE D優惠幾唔同其他卡, D餐廳酒店都係正野, 試過幾次用積分換旅遊package或酒店真係抵到癲, 我另外每年俾$240可以無限期儲分添呀, 實行等換大獎. 佢D換領禮物都係好高質素既野黎, 有時睇佢D禮品brochure都有排揀. 所以我最鍾意用AE, service又好.

    另外恆生白金卡又係著數多, discount多.

  7. really?? 得閒等我(目及)下先.

    恆生白金我都有,但係d discount好多都用不著... >_<~~~

    唉...俾老姑婆嘈醒一個鐘都依家都瞓唔返啦 >_<~~~~

  8. 哦,原來畀姑婆嘈醒,唔怪得!


  9. 其實.卡積分並不好用.儲了好久才能換個小玩意.還是cash rebate好些.

  10. cash rebate / cash dollar最好。換禮物,嗯,儲得分嚟我都俾錢買咗... 而且,我發現我實在係一個「與眾不同」嘅顧客類,所以大部份佢哋寄俾我嘅優惠都係唔啱駛嘅(特別係化粧護膚明牌衫褲鞋袋嗰啲),反而應該寄俾男人嗰啲我又會好用得著喎!我估佢哋啲data miners真係要考慮下唔好再用年齡性別嚟將宣傳推廣分類,睇睇我碌咗啲乜,都一早知乜嘢我從來唔啱使... :)

  11. 恆生cash dollar其實也不好用.因為可以用的地方我也少去.而且會經常忘了那裏可以用. >_<~~~~

