Monday, October 30, 2006



我也是最近這一年才知道.大概也可借用"come out"這個詞來形容吧.也因為才知道了這麼短時間,家裡的收藏品並沒有很多.我想,我可以說是幸運的.因為我避過了那個要到麥當當排隊打蛇餅換Kitty的年代!

今天到皇室堡時發現了一家扭蛋店(應該開業了好一段時間了吧?又再證明我的後知後覺...).於是就替媽尋找Kitty.可惜比較可愛的只有上圖那一套八款的磁石.扭蛋機裏存貨還不少,但要扭到Kitty真身就恐怕有些困難了.花了$5 x 3之後,得到了下圖的那三顆.扭不到Kitty,媽當然有些失望囉.不過,回到家,看見我把們貼在雪櫃上,又展現了滿足的微笑.



  1. Hey, if this makes you feel better - one of my friend's mom joined the F4 fans club.

    2 years ago, she couldn't pick my friend up at the airport because she had to go see the F4 concert.

  2. actually, i don't mind about hello kitty. i was just amazed by how "attractive" it is, and that revealation came rather late. becoz if mum said she likes hello kitty then she could have used all legitimate reasons to make our house full of the cat. :P

    F4... hahaha... i used to like F4, when the tv series just came out. :P i suppose, even though they were so "leung" by HK std, they were still more good looking than those were around me at that time!

  3. hahaha totally agree! I've watched Meteor Garden like at least 10x when it first came out!

    But these days, I am so obsessed with 肥田囍事 that either I cancel or avoid any week-night plans just so I can watch the drama!

  4. 噢,我媽一向都很可愛.當然,除了在發惡時.
