Wednesday, March 25, 2009





我想大概很多人其實都會在自己的sitemeter或者stat engine看到類似或是更噁心(?)、不堪入目(!),甚至變態的關鍵字吧,(你們都寫了些甚麼呢?!)所以也不會覺得怎樣.不過我這裏一向沒有這種題材,於是一看到就覺得很稀奇了.

說實在,要寫色情故事是需要很好的才情的.本身需要一定的想像力,寫出來也得妙筆生花才能引人繼續追看呀.是否本身需要很多經驗呢,那就真的不知道了.可是有時候就是因為沒試過才會覺得行得通.這... 是之前不知道在哪裏看到人家分析那些愛情小說家為何能寫出那麼多天花龍鳳的愛情故事出來.(又,忘了是哪裡看到的,到底是真的有作者這樣還是小說裏的情節就記不牢了... 是說有個女生原本是要寫小說的,可是自己那本一直寫不出,替人當槍手寫色情小說卻賣個滿堂紅.嗯...)



  1. Lu,I have been reading your blog for quite some time because it's really funny. Your entry on "little black dress" is my all time favourite! I never wear skirt because I'm too fat. I envy those girls who have perfect legs, long and slim of course. Hope I'll have them in my next lifetime!

  2. Hahaha,this one is funny. But weird too. There're ppl who kept googling "gordon siu" and came to my blog... Speechless...

  3. Karen: thanks for stopping by and I'm glad that I've provided some laughs :) (though I never find myself a humourous person...)

    well, i seldom wear skirt, too becuase of the same reason. but i guess as long as you feel happy with what you're wearing, that's most important. and it's good to have a change sometimes! ppl are mostly positive about me wearing skirts (orz!) and those nasty ppl? um.. i guess they are talking behind my back so i wouldn't be able to hear them. :P

    cr: the first time i saw this in sitemeter i actually followed the original search link and read one of those stories... i'm totally awestrucked by such imagination... *.* anyway, whomever has clicked into my post by using those keywords must have been terribly disappointed.

    anyway, all i want to say is, search engines could be your best friend, but also could be the most unreliable one when it comes to pinpointing what you try to find :P

  4. :D that's why we need to "clear histories" from time to time. though whether it's truely effective remains a question for a technophobic person like me.
