Saturday, September 16, 2006

Star in the Apple


I once read on someone's blog that if you cut an apple horizontally, you'll find there is a star in the middle of it. Even though I have an apple a day, I never knew it until then. So, as a treat to entertain myself, I cut the apple up half way across on a very frustrated Friday in the office:

It was very busy at work on Friday and I didn't get to leave until 8pm (Mum was very pissed that I didn't call earlier). Anyway, the past couple of days were bad days. Cheer's WDO bar show was already full (I thought it's a month away!!), Alias was set to be recorded on the wrong day, tons of work was lying in my in-tray (and still is), had to finish homework until late, had the wrong type of pillow so quality of sleep was worse than poor, was insomniac on Wed and only slept for 3 hours and my alarm clock didn't work so I missed gym on Thurs morning (which I have been looking forward to for the whole week), had a big fight with Mum on Thurs and didn't sleep well, again, and was in a meeting in MK office for 2.5 hours...

Well well... I think bad luck is gone for now. I got the final grade for my first course, which is satisfactory (I'm missing a "+" though!) and I got *my* pillow back, finally (of course, it's a new one). Thanks Mum. :)


  1. haha...

    what the bad days?

    nevermind la, 陽光總在風雨後~~~

    when I got bad days continuously, I will go to cut my hair in short. I feel I will get much clear in my mind. Finally, tasks will be finished easily and efficiently, bad things go away. It really works!

  2. 我家有個不成文的規定,我不能剪短頭髮呢.

    而且,要是我經常情緒低落,哪來這麼多頭髮給我剪呀? :P
