Friday, October 09, 2009




VW............ $1,040 (60% off!!!好像是... 其實很有衝動買)
KS........... ~$1,500 (?? or 2,000??)
TB........... ~$1,750
Agnxs b. .... $1,900
OK..............$2,000 (??? 太久之前看的了... 都忘了)
AH............. $2,400 (??? 太久也是忘了)
Txd's......... $3,200
Chanxl...... $4,500 (? 中型的,前年是$3,200左右)
Dixr.......... $5,400
Hexmes... $21,000 (!)



  1. 我... 想要個PS...在倫敦打折時見過,都係無買到。 (香港呢...最憎D舖頭唔標價!)

  2. PS在倫敦的時候有看到,可是只是很brief的看了一下.我很喜歡那個print呀.

    後來朋友自己買了... 難道我也去買一個來當twins嗎? orz...

  3. 你要買的這個是什麽?

  4. 但無論你要買什麽(我又猜了一下,應該是錢包),千萬不要買a/b和di0r。質量都很爛。不如去jil sander超一下?

  5. cr: 對了 :)
    朋友在用CD... 我也看到了個黑色的... 其實很不錯,但我覺得讓我用,應該不到半年就會死掉.而且一打開會所有東西都掉出來.

    JS呀... 也有想過.還沒有時間去瞄 :P

  6. 我這陣子都在找銀包,最後在Cxxch找到合心水的(原來Cxxch有不少非monogram的好包,yes!),並托了11月從US回來的朋友代買,平很多。:)

  7. 啊... 我怎麼都對C牌提不起興趣... 雖然之前也有去看過一下.


  8. 妙妙有看過嗎?sc呢?

  9. 妙妙沒看過... 其實妙妙的家姐有去看過.. 係喎.但覺得一般.


  10. Wow, I can't believe I managed to guess about 90% of the anonymised brandnames in your post, which is beyond my own expectations! Unfortunately can't for the life of me guess what is OK and KS though. (And obviously I don't have a clue what SC is either, nor indeed, 妙妙的家姐). And that 2000 euros Hermes bag is expensive, but still didn't sound too outrageous at first, until I realised that you're actually looking for a wallet!!!! Oh my goodness!

  11. snowdrops: haha... hermes is expensive expected but it really does invoke thoughts on whether it's worth having it.. (definitely not for me...)

    OK is Orla Kiely and KS is kate spade. the other one is prada.

  12. i quite like KS. though it tends to be a wee bit more than what i want to pay it for given where it is made...

    though as classic as my friend says, yes your stuff are made in italy, (pause), by chinese ppl. XD

  13. "OK is Orla Kiely and KS is kate spade. the other one is prada"

    o i c i c (^_^)

    Actually I really like Orla Kiely, but I only concentrated on her furnishing and homeware before and didn't realise that she has a proper fashion line as well. I was at her shop in Central though when I was in HK, very nice boutique :)

  14. cr: well, globalisation... what can we do? maybe we should just stop buying labels XDDDD

    snowdrops: i've totally forgotten to check out the OK shop when i went to London in may! (到現在還在怨恨着) because we were in covent garden and it was just around the corner from where we went.. urrrrrrrrrrr!

    OK is so expensive in hk... but the sales are not v friendly in that shop. they just talked among themselves even when there were ppl looking in the shop. hmm...

  15. oh btw, SC is Stella McC.... :)

  16. Thank God it wasn't only me who was going aghast at the price tags at OK's shop in HK! And I've never been to her shop in London either - must take this down as a must-see spot when I'm over there next time!

    And thanks for solving the mystery of SC! I really would have never guessed this one :P

  17. haha.. you're welcome. but then i guess if you're ordering home products, you can do that easily online. it's really for clothing that you have to see it in person. ok, maybe accessories, too, to see how it goes on you. but yeah... don't blame me if you go trek all the way to the shop and find it not so interesting XD

    the designs are lovely, but material-wise, it's beyond me to understand how it's priced. oh well.

    SC was sure a mystery, but now we all know what that is! :D
