
Calbee的Salt & Vinegar味道不重.我應該有均勻地搖過了(不能太誇張呀,雖然很多同事已經回家了),但吃到的那些都只是輕輕地沾到調味而已.酸味: 聞的 - OK,但嚐的 - 不夠.回去再搖一下看會不會好一點.不然的話,在底部的那些應該會酸/鹹死我了.(不然,怎麼會聞到那些酸味呢?)
因為不是很夠味的關係,所以吃到薯片本身的味道.可是這次的馬鈴薯香味跟之前比起來稍為遜色,而且還一直有在吃粟米片(corn chips)的感覺 - 就是有一抹淡淡的玉米味.於是去翻材料列表,上面就有寫着「粟米澱粉」甚麼甚麼的(英文是corn starch).但corn starch應該是沒甚麼粟米味的吧?(我超討厭粟米片的!!!)
Salt & Vinegar還是以前在綿羊國吃到的Bluebird最好吃.老美的牌子也不太對口味.即使同一牌子也不一定每次都保證同一個味道.(好詭異!)有吃過讓我欲罷不能的,也有試過舌頭差點被酸壞掉的.所以,雖然我是很喜歡S&V,每次吃都戰戰兢兢的,像是一場賭博.嗯.
Oh my favourite flavour for crisps (the UK/Irish term for potatio chips) is salt and vinegar, too!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't had Calbee crisps for ages (actually one of my regrets of my HK trip is that I forgot to indulge in all these childhood junk food!!) Not sure if you have tried the salt and vinegar crisps on sale in Starbucks? The one from Marks and Sparks is also not bad.
But the one that I love the most is actually an Irish brand called Taytos. Their salt-and-vinegar crisps have the strongest smell and taste, and as I like my crisps as stinky as they come, they are my favourite :)
cr: your link doesn't work :(
ReplyDeleteooops, solli solli.
still from bluebird. but very thin cuts. after eating this i find pringles too thick.
snowdrops: yeah! :D
ReplyDeletei still think the best flavour by calbee is the original BBQ. all the other gimmicks... the Japanese versions have done a better job in mimicking the taste, but the hk ones were not so successful - either too artificial or just not good at all. but i admire them for their courage to explore all these different kinds of flavours!
ah.. now that you mentioned it, i didn't buy any crisps during my UK trip!!! what a waste. haven't tried M&S nor *$'s, but Pret's chips are actually quite horrible. i should stop buying from them.
kettle chips (was that the brand's name?) - we used to have that from the office - did a pretty awful version of the S&V. most of my colleagues couldn't stand the saltiness nor the sourness. i didn't like it neither, both tastes were done a bit too much and the chips themselves sometimes were to hard.
小球: 許久沒吃鬍鬚叔叔牌了.感覺像在吃餅乾多於薯片呀.小時候倒是很愛吃!
cr: ah, thanks! the packaging looks high end XD was that quite new? it definitely wasn't there when i was in nz.
i love thin cuts!!! but i do crave for ripple cuts.
pringles has too much starch, it's its signature, but i really can't associate it with chips/crisps :(
pringle now does rice chips too! in spare ribs flavour tim!
ReplyDeletei love thin cuts more. yeah, they're kinda new, like couple of years only. maybe i shall bring you some. XD
oh.. after corn chips, it should come rice chips (on my hate list XD) maybe that's becoz i had too much 旺旺when i was a child.
ReplyDeleteoh no... let me try that when i go back XD