Friday, May 06, 2011

Postcard from c - Where is Heidelberg?

One fine night.28C

Dearest c,

When the postcard arrived, I had to turn to the back immediately to check what this romantically beautiful city is. Though I have transited through German cities (mostly Frankfurt) almost every time when I went to Luxembourgh, I have never really set my mind on exploring Germany. Somehow, we have always felt closer to France, an inclination to visit her cities, tasting her cuisines, learning a phrase in French here and there (read: not learning French properly). So I am really ashamed to admit that I had taken a semester of German back in U of A and had intended to take a degree in it, and now all that's left with me is probably "Danke schön", "bitte", etc. And can you believe that in that whole semester, we actually didn't learn the phrase for "sorry"??? (Either that or that phrase has totally slipped my mind. Anyway, I've never learnt how to apologise in German, and never had to.)

Thanks to your postcard, maybe before I venture into the mysterious lands of Transylvania, I should go back and take a better look at Germany. Schloss Neuschwanstein would be a nice place to start. What'd you say?



  1. quite opposite to what i pictured germany before i went, it is so pretty and romantic. i super heart munich, the bavaria region where the schloss neuschwanstein is and there is even a whole route of schlosses you can drive through. i bet it'd be really really nice.

    despite of my look, i was mistaken as a local berliner once by a local fellow berliner! oh-la-la. and i've even had full conversations buying things a shops in german. wow. well, it wasn't particularly hard anyway. :P

    go and explore germany, it's really cool.

  2. consider it has produced poets and philosophers and musicians... it must be a romantic place to start off with :P

    and it's a really good place to drive, too! (ok, maybe not inside the cities... i wouldn't know much about that.)

  3. i went all the way to getting an int'l permit, but as far as i am concerned, i didn't dare to drive on german roads. mainly becos the limited availability of auto cars and they drive on the other side of the road. (eye roll).

  4. oh oh oh... you've missed out a lot then!

    i haven't been driving at all since sheepland and i've only driven in europe after then. so if i could do it, you can, too! hehe
