Friday, March 03, 2006

I'm 27 (not quite..), with no money and no prospects. Oh, what should I do?!

Clear/Cold. 13C.

Oh no.. I'm not that pitiful (yet!), but it's a line that I remembered most from watching "Pride & Prejudice" last night. Dear Jan shot me a look when Elisabeth Bennett's best friend, Charlotte, was bringing her the news of her own wedding. It made me think - life back then was really simple. It's (for the girls) about finding a good husband and do nothing for the rest of your life! It's such a luxury that Elisabeth could stand in front of the mirror for a whole day (depicted by the change of sunlight in the movie) when she found out some very shocking news. Anyway, isn't it still the same in our time? Look at Bridget Jones (it's almost like Helen Fielding's tribute to Jane Austen).

Anyway, it was a charming and very enjoyable movie. The castles and the art pieces are most incredible!!! I often wonder, when I was reading Austen, what work did the men do so they could make that much money to have a mansion like that! "The stained glasses already cost 20,000 pounds!" (not an exact quote from Mr. Collins about Lady Catherine's mansion.)

Keira Knightley is as beautiful as ever, though I just realised last night that her jaw was tilted a bit upward, and her teeth look a little odd when she laughed. It wasn't so noticeable in "Bend It Like Beckham" (or maybe I didn't pay attention), but I couldn't help it because there were so many close-up shots of her!! As Jan said, she wasn't witty enough in the beginning, though she has the air of an 18th century young English lady (um.... might not be an appropriate word, but whatever..)

I couldn't recall Mr. Darcy being so passionate in the novel (that means I must re-read the book!) as in the movie. I don't think Matthew Macfayden was a good match for the role at first look, because he looks rather wild and hunky, instead of the Colin Firth style. But anyway, he was a really good actor and a good surprise.

Mr. Bingley looked like a drag queen, with his eyes that are not shuttable. I don't know... he looked more like a doll than Jane. Try imagine that..

The only thing that I really don't like is that it couldn't walk away from the typical ending of a romantic movie - the protagonists must kiss in the end. Oh well....

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