Monday, March 27, 2006

One Good Show!


The day for the long waited Justin concert was finally here! The atmosphere was great and he has invited quite a few guests. So even though he doesn't have too many of his own songs (he also sang some of the new songs which was in the album he has just released yesterday), it was a well arranged program. I love Miriam's dress!! She looked so marvellous and elegant in the Marc Jacob white (wedding) dress. I didn't have a camera so I couldn't post a picture to show how beautiful she (and the dress) was. I'll see if dear Jan is kind enough to bestow a professionally taken picture of his. The best part of the whole show was when he sang Jacky Cheung's "月半彎" and that he asked the whole audience to turn on their mobile phones. It was like a million stars twinkling and glittering in the Hong Kong Coliseum. It was really AMAZING.
[This is ths poster of his concert that was put up at the bottom of the control panel.]

Tomorrow we'll be taking a red eye flight to Auckland. Good gracious that it was having heavy rain and thunderstorms these couple of days. Hopefully the rain clouds will part and the sun will greet us when we arrive!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Yeah... here are the photos...

SUPER HUMID (I'm dripping - 96% humidity). 22C

First things first -

(1) photo of Mandarin Oriental taken on Mar 20 night.

and (2) the Jasmine Tempo ad campaign on #1 Citibus:

Urgh... the arrangement is so odd.. never mind.

I went to UST for an interview tonight. It's so bloody foggy that I couldn't see what's lying 10 feet ahead of me. Basically I felt the vapours trying to seep through your skin and become part of you. No...! Actually I felt that I was being swallowed by this whole fabric of sparsely spaced water particles.

OH.... I'm so looking forward to the SUNSHINE next week!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Photos!! Photos!!

Horrifying weather again: Misty, Sticky,Cloudy. 20C

I want to post the photo that I took last night!! But after numerous trials, I still failed to upload them in the "Mrs Henderson Presents..." post.

I tried to post again but in vain. But seems like I'm not alone:

Come on! I want my photos on my blog!!

oh btw me having interview at the far far away clear water bay. I have a feeling that I will fall asleeeeeeeeeeeeep by then. -____-zzzZzzZzzZZZZZ~

Monday, March 20, 2006

Mrs. Henderson Presents....


GMAT is history! Even though the result was nothing splendid, I'd still consider it as acceptable[still have to wait for the score of the AWA to mark it complete and final.]

My friend, Aditi, is leaving HK soon, marking her almost 4 years life here as a close. I guess she probably enjoyed working and living here in the beginning, but as Angie left for INSEAD, her life seemed to have become so dull that she has decided to go back to school. She will be flying out at the end of the month and will be travelling around India before heading to Boston. She had her farewell drinks at Pi last Saturday, which I dropped by for half an hour (to confirm my anti-socialness and fear of being sighted as horizontally gifted). I knew that it wouldn't fare as a formal goodbye so I suggested we do dinner and/or movie tonight. Dinner was at McD (I tried their new Chicken Fantastic, which was quite fun despite a little too sweet in the rice) and movie was Mrs. Henderson Presents... The movie was good fun, humorous (sometimes a bit over the edge - "Are you American?... Strange people, but very good manners..." :D), anti-war(of course!). Dame Judi Dench was as marvellous as ever. The costumes are SUPERB! Music was brilliant. Bertie (played by Will Young) was such a good singer; Maureen (aka Caroline Bingley in Pride & Prejudice 2005) was portrayed gorgeously; and Lady Conway (Mrs. Henderson's close friend) was a most commendable character! I love this movie.

So, it's not such a sad ending to a rather short friendship. I doubt if I'll visit Aditi, but I'm sure we'll email. On my way home, I took a picture of what MO has become - the ultimate billboard for Christian Dior - now disguising as my mobile's wallpaper.

[picture unavailable due to some unforeseen technical difficulties...]
I have to say, the bus ride home was rather pleasant, because the advertiser has generously put on a jasmine perfumed air conditioner. That would, of course, serve a purpose: Tempo is promoting its new Jasmine tissue paper. It's actually quite delicious, as Mrs. Henderson would have said!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006



算是良心發現吧.昨晚在床上臨睡時突然想起離考試的日子無多.(是把魂招回來啦~~) 哎呀呀,害我緊張了一下子睡不著,怎辦?還是得面對現實,就算是多不願考,也已經報名了,也為了不要再向人家報壞消息,我今年一定要合格!! がんばてね!!! [但插了我現在的桌面圖案--睡公主...唔...春雨綿綿正好眠嘛!]



今天下班時在巴士上讀著The Devil Wears Prada,頭一回作者就先透露一點女主角的老闆如何的不人道,要求是如何的不合理.... 第二回呢,就從旁人描述老闆時既敬且畏的態度中塑造出一個能在時裝界裏呼風喚雨的女大魔頭.讀到這裡,剛好到站,腦海裏卻跑出了一個念頭:就算是這個女魔頭如何的囂張跋扈、吹毛求疵、蠻不講理,她能坐上紐約最火的時裝雜誌總編輯一位,就證明她多多少少都是有點真材實料的吧.那,這些「真材實料」又是哪來的呢?應該是她過去多年來的努力和洗鍊囉.縱使她多好運,遇上了好機會,她還是得好好的把握,付出一定的努力和代價,才能修成正果吧.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006




Anyway,他整天在我們的走廊上走是因為他要去洗手間啦... 我們的office是中間被lift lobby分開成南北兩邊;窄窄的通道穿梭兩邊的辦公室.而他那邊的正中間呢,又被reception和會議室分開了左右(東西).他的位置是在西北,而洗手間剛好是在東面的中間(因洗手間兩邊都有門可進).西邊的通道呢,是比較接近他的座位,而又不用穿過兩扇要用security pass就能過的門.所以我的猜測是: 他懶得走中間的路,穿過來我們這邊直接一點嘛.[而且我們這邊有Bloomberg,又有電視.]

可是,公司不久前有一小小的改動:會議室被拆掉了.那就是說,reception的後方是東西相通而又不必用security pass便能過了.可是,他還是一如以往地在我們這邊的走廊上逛來逛去的.大概是習慣了吧.

算了,我想是我自己想得太多而已.哈哈,該是小說看太多了. :P

今天雖然沒有在9點前回到公司,但9.10也算是一個大進步了!明天要早起去上body combat... 我...要去睡啦!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


天陰多雲. 19C

最近越來越經常遲到,雖然老細無詐型,但自己都覺得唔好意思. 聽日一定要9點前返到公司!!


然後,我就想到我自己.(唔...抱歉,我本來就是一個蠻自我中心的人...) 為甚麼我還是一個人呢? 是不夠主動還是眼角過高?是太天生麗質還是嚴重遲鈍?(不過這幾年真的沒發現有追求者.嗚嗚嗚~~) 確實身邊也都沒有適合的人.就算自己覺得可能適合,對方卻好像對我視而不見.唉..... (寫不下去了... :P)

其實公司裏有一個看起來是不錯的,可因為工作上沒有直接關係,我也沒那麼厚臉皮的去找機會接近他,只好巴巴地整天看著他在我坐位前的走廊上走來走去.我那行的盡頭是一部公用的Bloomberg machine,除了那些芬佬每人檯頭一部外,應該是全層就我們那麼一部了.他每天起碼都會過來一次.如果有日很遲都未過來的話,我就會想他是不是無返工了(好似今天咁.不過其實他是有返工o既).


GMAT 倒數:13天

Sunday, March 05, 2006



看了trailer之後便覺得一定要看這部戲.為甚麼? 說不出.

看完後覺得自己的決定是對的! :P 其實這部戲是應該很沉重的,可是編劇跟導演都以正面和輕鬆的手法處理.當然每人看法會不一樣,可能有些人會覺得把這樣可怕的病就這麼輕描淡寫的帶過有點失實.但這部電影的定位是始終是偏向娛樂性的,所以太著墨於病情的話,就會失去了導演想帶出的訊息而流於過分傷感.

楊千嬅演得自然,有廣告女強人的成熟硬朗、有等舊男友回來的堅持、有為了嘗試逃避現實的而做出一連串天馬行空行為的神經質,但仍不失一向的生動.比在《新紮師妹》裏的傻大姐、《千杯不醉》裏的強說愁、《餃子》裏裝出來的端莊、毒辣要自在多,演技也越來越成熟了. 楊千嬅,努力加油呀!



我的智能身分證終於拿到手啦!從今天開始我就是智能人士了。哈哈哈哈!不過這又代表甚麼呢?其實我也不太清楚.... 除了以後圖書證便失去了效用了.... 嘻嘻嘻嘻...

身分證上的照片拍得還可以.拍的時候是可以讓我馬上看的,我還覺得拍得又胖又醜... 不過昨天看了之後覺得還可以.哈!居然還跟我9年前拍的那張照片差不多一模一樣!!哇~難道真的是十年如一日?!

Friday, March 03, 2006

I'm 27 (not quite..), with no money and no prospects. Oh, what should I do?!

Clear/Cold. 13C.

Oh no.. I'm not that pitiful (yet!), but it's a line that I remembered most from watching "Pride & Prejudice" last night. Dear Jan shot me a look when Elisabeth Bennett's best friend, Charlotte, was bringing her the news of her own wedding. It made me think - life back then was really simple. It's (for the girls) about finding a good husband and do nothing for the rest of your life! It's such a luxury that Elisabeth could stand in front of the mirror for a whole day (depicted by the change of sunlight in the movie) when she found out some very shocking news. Anyway, isn't it still the same in our time? Look at Bridget Jones (it's almost like Helen Fielding's tribute to Jane Austen).

Anyway, it was a charming and very enjoyable movie. The castles and the art pieces are most incredible!!! I often wonder, when I was reading Austen, what work did the men do so they could make that much money to have a mansion like that! "The stained glasses already cost 20,000 pounds!" (not an exact quote from Mr. Collins about Lady Catherine's mansion.)

Keira Knightley is as beautiful as ever, though I just realised last night that her jaw was tilted a bit upward, and her teeth look a little odd when she laughed. It wasn't so noticeable in "Bend It Like Beckham" (or maybe I didn't pay attention), but I couldn't help it because there were so many close-up shots of her!! As Jan said, she wasn't witty enough in the beginning, though she has the air of an 18th century young English lady (um.... might not be an appropriate word, but whatever..)

I couldn't recall Mr. Darcy being so passionate in the novel (that means I must re-read the book!) as in the movie. I don't think Matthew Macfayden was a good match for the role at first look, because he looks rather wild and hunky, instead of the Colin Firth style. But anyway, he was a really good actor and a good surprise.

Mr. Bingley looked like a drag queen, with his eyes that are not shuttable. I don't know... he looked more like a doll than Jane. Try imagine that..

The only thing that I really don't like is that it couldn't walk away from the typical ending of a romantic movie - the protagonists must kiss in the end. Oh well....