一鼓作氣的把寫給小女生看的殭屍愛情小說掃完,照說該把那股氣延續,把案頭堆積多年的其他書也清掉.但恐怕那些開了頭然後被丟在一旁好幾年的書就是沒有那麼大的吸引力,不然怎麼會被視而不見那麼多個春秋?即使是最近喜歡的那位散文作家的書,也比我預期需要更多的集中力才能看下去.話說回來,或許說案頭的哪些書沒有吸引力是不對的 - 太需要思考的書或許不是這刻的我想看的.那,唯有讓它們再等一下吧.
那,那麼多書,從哪裏開始好呢?把買回來放在家供養多時的舒先生、龍女士的散文集是個好開始;貪心從朋友處領養回來的小說幾本也是好選擇.或許是時候回去把剩下的那兩本奧斯丁看完(好過份,原來Persuasion看到Ch.7就被丟到一旁了).還有那本從小看到就覺得不好看的《咆哮山莊》... ...(咆哮?!?!啊,邊看會邊咆哮吧?!)啊,或許因為知道了殭屍小說裏有多處向這本愛情經典借鏡(可是是哪些地方呢?),會有更大的動力去看吧.
[怎麼寫出來之後還是不能讓自己覺得很有動力趕快跳進去讀、讀、讀呢? 呃.]
Monday, January 25, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Perpetual mystery
Cloudy.Super Windy.18C
Was doing a random quiz on blogthings (those questions always make me think... coz most of the time i have no idea which answer is "right".) and came across this question:
People like you because:
1 - You're a total flirt
2 - You're sensitive
3 - You're a mystery
4 - You're cute and funny - even if they don't understand you at all
5 - You have smarts and wit
6 - You've always got something new up you're sleeve
I have ABSOLUTELY no idea, though i know it's absolutely not 1, 4, 5, and 6. Do ppl actually like me? (woo.. big flush of insecurity swamping through.) Well, it doesn't really bug me except that it means i can't really finish the quiz (WHICH bugs me).
Was doing a random quiz on blogthings (those questions always make me think... coz most of the time i have no idea which answer is "right".) and came across this question:
People like you because:
1 - You're a total flirt
2 - You're sensitive
3 - You're a mystery
4 - You're cute and funny - even if they don't understand you at all
5 - You have smarts and wit
6 - You've always got something new up you're sleeve
I have ABSOLUTELY no idea, though i know it's absolutely not 1, 4, 5, and 6. Do ppl actually like me? (woo.. big flush of insecurity swamping through.) Well, it doesn't really bug me except that it means i can't really finish the quiz (WHICH bugs me).
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
舒國治 - 《窮中談吃》 - 〈便當最惠台灣〉八二頁

... ... 這個中午吃便當的人,最教我羨慕.我總是想不經意的覷到一眼他蓋子打開後的內容.不知怎的,便當中的飯量總是被很細心的、很精準的計算,然後擱進底層,它永遠顯得很少,因你總一下便吃完,且不撐.但事實上飯的量並不少,主要是它是一個「被呵護過」的有飯有菜的便當.不管是被媽媽、奶奶、姊姊或太太準備的.
舒國治 - 《窮中談吃》 - 〈在城市中野餐〉一四九頁
美味主義 Food,
論盡我阿媽 All about My Mother,
黃金屋顏如玉 Books
Friday, January 15, 2010
Size of appetite
Gloomy (where has the sun gone?).17C
Good grief. With this change in diet (MUCH less meat intake), I'm constantly hungry despite I have eaten a proper portion for each meal.
Yesterday's lunch was Maxim's BBQ Pork - extra rice and less meat (though the amount of meat looked more or less the same I've received on previous purchases without making addition request). I ate at 1 and was hungry by 5.30pm. Today I ate a big box of rice (that probably translates into 1.5 bowl of rice?) with tofu and veggies. Again, I ate at 1 and was hungry by 5.30pm.
Good thing is that I'm not feeling any fatigue (from lack of energy intake), I can't tell of any obvious sign that there is malnutrition (?!). But this no downsizing of the stomach's request is rather annoying.
Good grief. With this change in diet (MUCH less meat intake), I'm constantly hungry despite I have eaten a proper portion for each meal.
Yesterday's lunch was Maxim's BBQ Pork - extra rice and less meat (though the amount of meat looked more or less the same I've received on previous purchases without making addition request). I ate at 1 and was hungry by 5.30pm. Today I ate a big box of rice (that probably translates into 1.5 bowl of rice?) with tofu and veggies. Again, I ate at 1 and was hungry by 5.30pm.
Good thing is that I'm not feeling any fatigue (from lack of energy intake), I can't tell of any obvious sign that there is malnutrition (?!). But this no downsizing of the stomach's request is rather annoying.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Quote 2
Sunny (yippee!).16C
"Charlie's getting up; I'd better leave," Edward said with resignation.
My heart stopped beating.
He gauged my expression for a second. "Would it be childish of me to hide in your closet, then?"
He never failed to brighten up my day.
"Charlie's getting up; I'd better leave," Edward said with resignation.
My heart stopped beating.
He gauged my expression for a second. "Would it be childish of me to hide in your closet, then?"
~p. 542, New Moon, Stephenie Meyer
He never failed to brighten up my day.
Monday, January 11, 2010
"... and you've lost a lot of blood. They gave you a few transfusions. I didn't like it - it made you smell all wrong for a while."
I know it's stupid, but I couldn't help laughing when I read this. (I was reading this in the office so I couldn't laugh out aloud.)
And yeah, I'm reading Twilight.
~ p.460, Twilight, Stephenie Meyer
I know it's stupid, but I couldn't help laughing when I read this. (I was reading this in the office so I couldn't laugh out aloud.)
And yeah, I'm reading Twilight.
Saw on the news this morning that Norway is on a record low of -45C. Florida hasn't snowed in 20 years and last weekend there were flurries. In my memories, winters in Hong Kong may not be blue and clear and crisp like what we had in Tokyo but was never this wet and gloomy and miserable like New Zealand's.
What's wrong?
And seeing the kids (in Norway, of course) on TV so happily preparing themselves to go out to play with snow, I suddenly had this omninous feeling. Maybe winter is saying goodbye to us.
Saw on the news this morning that Norway is on a record low of -45C. Florida hasn't snowed in 20 years and last weekend there were flurries. In my memories, winters in Hong Kong may not be blue and clear and crisp like what we had in Tokyo but was never this wet and gloomy and miserable like New Zealand's.
What's wrong?
And seeing the kids (in Norway, of course) on TV so happily preparing themselves to go out to play with snow, I suddenly had this omninous feeling. Maybe winter is saying goodbye to us.
Friday, January 08, 2010
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Rebound boyfriend

當然一個願打一個願挨,旁人沒甚麼資格說話,可是看他那句, "It has always been him."不會想揍人嗎?
所以要當人家的rebound boyfriend絕對要有十分良好的心理素質,因為不是每次都能在旁邊慰藉破碎的心都能修成正果.
看他們兩個鬥嘴好好玩.福在吃醋的表現難怪會令人覺得他跟華生像一對更甚於出生入死的龍兄虎弟(?!).方大少說喜歡Rachel McAdams,說他漂亮.(是不是因為看了這齣?)可是他這個造型好俗氣.(說他像_ _,還是不好意思寫出來了.)如果是Rachel Weisz來演會不會好一點呢?我還是比較喜歡McAdams在The Time Traveler's Wife裏.
也有說,RDJr不像神探而更像鐵甲奇俠.我想是因為大家都覺得神探是冷靜沉默,甚至有點古肅?可是我問老媽,他說神探就是這樣呀,連樣子也有點像(到底可不可信呀?!).我只是覺得怎麼原來鼎鼎大名的神探變成了小混混 + House + 玉面飛龍 + 鐵金剛了.那些拳拳到肉的畫面讓我覺得完全是神探多面看!呃.

看他們兩個鬥嘴好好玩.福在吃醋的表現難怪會令人覺得他跟華生像一對更甚於出生入死的龍兄虎弟(?!).方大少說喜歡Rachel McAdams,說他漂亮.(是不是因為看了這齣?)可是他這個造型好俗氣.(說他像_ _,還是不好意思寫出來了.)如果是Rachel Weisz來演會不會好一點呢?我還是比較喜歡McAdams在The Time Traveler's Wife裏.
也有說,RDJr不像神探而更像鐵甲奇俠.我想是因為大家都覺得神探是冷靜沉默,甚至有點古肅?可是我問老媽,他說神探就是這樣呀,連樣子也有點像(到底可不可信呀?!).我只是覺得怎麼原來鼎鼎大名的神探變成了小混混 + House + 玉面飛龍 + 鐵金剛了.那些拳拳到肉的畫面讓我覺得完全是神探多面看!呃.
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