我就讀的小學因為人數呈金字塔形,差不多每上一級就削一班.到五年級的時候,輪到分拆我班.於是我跟着其他六個(到現在還記得... 囧)同學流落到另一班去.這一年認識了新同學,跟原來不熟的舊班同學很自然就疏遠了.
但直到有一年,突然我收不到任何回信,甚至有信打回頭了 - 他搬家了,可是他沒有告訴我.
然後... ...去年小學同學們又突然搞了個聚會,由於沒有心情參加,我就推了沒有去.但有個驚喜 - 就是有同學找到了這個女同學!(面書又一強大之顯露.)我雖然沒有出席,但因此跟這個同學通了幾封貓.同學連名字也改了,難怪我這麼多年都沒有找到他.於是我就問你為甚麼突然不回我信了.他就說了一句.
What Rice said x 2!
ReplyDeleteYes it could be really weird to see old school friends again after such a long period of time. I did that during the summer, it's not as bad as I thought actually, even though we're all on different life paths now. With some friends it's great to know that we could pick up right where we left off, with others, it's good to quietly confirm to oneself that perhaps not seeing each other for all these years isn't such a huge loss after all.
The trick is to try to find out more about the other person, not only what she's been doing all these years but epspecially, why; but to do so in a way that is not like you're trying to get to the bottom of her and sum her up in one go. And when talking about yourself, to hopefully not come across as self-absorbed and arrogant. And talk to her as if you'd talk to any of your current friends, not like someone you've finally decided to check out. That's all. With these parameters, you two can talk about anything and have a great time :)
cr, snowdrops: thx :)