Wednesday, February 28, 2007






Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Shocks & Surprises


I was really shocked when I heard that my ex-big boss had a stroke and was hospitalised in ICU for a week. My ex-big boss is a Brit, mid-30s, married and gave birth to the most angelic looking boy I have ever seen (in live) just about two years ago. She ate healthily (at least she tried to, when I was still in the office), cranberry juice, half a Pret sandwich or panini, apple/banana/some other fruits. She also tried to work out every other day as her apartment building has a gym. Because of the baby she has to sleep early as well or she wouldn't have enough energy to take care of him and work at the same time (well, she has a maid)... ...

How possible could she be having a stroke?

Mum said maybe it's stress from work. There could be a lot of other reasons that we just don't know.

I don't hate or dislike her, but I honestly cannot say that I like her, let alone like working for her. Big part of the reason that I have left my previous job was because of her management skills and her personality. She is not a bad person, but she just isn't manager material and would be difficult to work with. She bad mouthed people publicly in the office, tried to forbid us to talk to each other in Cantonese because she doesn't understand... She thought money was almighty and people would stay for higher pay, but no, we lost 3 people in our team during one year when there was only a total of 5. I had the opportunity to promote to manager, but would I want to face a boss like that every day?


That's why I ran away, without really thinking clear enough where I was running to. But that's history.

Anyway, she was actually quite nice to me and I wouldn't wish anything evil to happen to her so hearing her having a stroke wasn't anything pleasant but shocking. I've actually sent her a card before the Chinese New Year but I guess she hasn't got it yet because she hasn't been back to work yet. I've just run into her after lunch. She looked a bit weary but at least well enough to walk around the mall. Hope she'll recover her full strength soon.

And when you asked how was my work and my boss. I said fine. I so wish that I could tell you I have switched... to a much better place.


Had lunch with a friend today, received a couple of surprising news. Learnt that you're getting back with your XGF. Interesting... hehe... well, I wouldn't know which ex-gf that was but it's good news, isn't it?


This one came really as a surprise, even though I have been waiting to receive the news. But, I was really happy to hear it. Congrats, Jo dear!! I supposed my first trip to Bali would be to your wedding. I better locate someone to go with me or it'd be so weird for me to be there alone.

Monday, February 26, 2007




1. 他們很容易自得其樂,有自尊,<- 對! 卻不會企圖控制別人。 <-是不好意思去控制別人吧.要不然,我是極其沒耐性的.遇上一大堆人又做不了決定的話,我就一定會「控制別人」囉.
2. 他們通常早熟,失去天真與頑皮,也許有成就,卻在看到自己不可能完美無缺時,自暴自棄。 <- 全對!
3. 他們通常生活在自己的世界裡,對事情的輕重有自己的看法。 <- 全對!
4. 他們常很難和家庭分離,特別無法離開父母,一但離開,會因此感到內疚與不忠。 <- 哎呀,對呀!換句話就是,並不是我不出去玩,只是想到媽一個人在家就會不好意思囉.

1. 他們常一心博取比他們年長或有權勢人的歡心, <- 對! 而且常常成功。 <- 唔...
2. 他們通常缺乏主動性,需要人來推動。不過一但開始,他們會工作得很出色。 <- 是呀是呀!
3. 他們通常要求完美,寧願完全放棄也不湊合。 <- 常有的事.但長大了懂得取捨.
4. 他們很習慣自己生活裡嚴密的格式,所以不願有意外發生,對於改變計畫等「彈性」的處理,有很大的抗拒。 <- 也算是吧!
5. 他們習慣一帆風順,所以當事情出現問題,他們的反應可能與事情的輕重不成比例。 <- 不幸地是!

1. 他們通常興趣廣泛,但因為早熟,通常和其他孩子的社交有隔閡,因此善結交比他們大很多的朋友。 <- 是!
2. 因為獨處比較自在,他們傾向一次只要一個親密的朋友。 <- 對,真慘!如果是大組聚會,最後我通常都會自閉.
3. 他們對有時適應過多夥伴的不同性格感到困難。 <- 這倒沒有.
4. 當社會狀況變得緊張時,他們可能重回獨來獨往的習慣。 <- 還未遇到.
5. 他們通常不會道歉,感到原諒自己和原諒別人一樣困難。 <- 中!

1. 因為他們不習慣跟其他孩子生活在一起,所以常不知如何處理親密關係。 <- 不知道呢...
2. 他們喜歡一切整潔、有序和守時,若配偶不能做到,就會有問題。 <- 也是不知道.不過,這是很有可能發生的事情.

1. 事情不見得都會照你的意思發展,而且有時候讓別人參與一下,也會好玩。 <- 我有呀!*委屈中*
2. 對自己的要求降低一點,會讓自己跟身邊的人都更快樂。 <- 儘量囉.(有這樣的性格也不是我想的呀!) 看來我還是蠻典型的獨生女.還是,這篇文章真的那麼準?好吧,還有其他的,也一併貼上吧.

1. 他們通常是父母眼中完美的孩子:聽話、整潔、懂事、負責。
2. 他們一般尊重權威,不敢犯錯誤,因為怕讓父母或其他權威的人失望。
3. 相對弟妹而言,他們通常服從性高、觀念保守、防禦心強。
4. 他們對自己的地位較易感到焦慮,他們的情緒比弟妹緊張,需要花較長時間排遣不愉快。
5. 他們希望獲得別人的敬仰和尊重,因此總會勉強自己做些不喜歡的事。

B)在工作中 :
1. 他們傾向選擇位居要津,能獨立工作的職業,而不常從事創造性的工作。
2. 他們雖然會服膺權威,卻來自想要得到更高的認可。事實上,他們常發現自己比老闆更知道工作『該』怎麼做。
3. 他們通常拼命工作,而且感到對一切都負有責任,他們不輕易要求幫助,也不太相信別人的能力,即使把工作交給別人,也會不斷擔心別人的表現。
4. 因為在意權威或更高權威的認可,他們通常也是各種排行中最介意排名、地位的。

1. 他們較難交友,通常只有幾位親密的朋友。
2. 儘管他們貌似獨立,事實上還是需要別人認可,不願暴露自己的弱點,因此妨礙發展親密的友誼。

1. 他們在婚姻關係中要求較多,也較有控制慾。
2. 他們傾向相信婚姻的重要性,而希望維持婚姻關係,一但婚姻關係終止,他們會感到強烈失敗與內疚。

1. 把對你自己和別人要求的標準放低些,並從生活中得到更多樂趣。
2. 在你有生之年,對自己能夠完成什麼要實際一些。
3. 你可以試著把自己對愛的需要更直接地表達出來,而不是用對別人關心的方式來贏得他們的愛。因為別人未必會理解你也有同樣的需要。
4. 如果你做錯了什麼,並不表示著世界末日,你周圍還有許多人認為像你這樣已經不錯了。

1. 他們永遠是家裡的寶貝,即使他們長大了,大多數仍看來年輕、可愛。
2. 他們常比家中其他孩子更任性,也比較樂觀。
3. 他們常指望得到別人主動的幫助,他們也常看來較無助。
4. 他們在生活上比較不講規矩,常常遲到、拖延或失信。
5. 若是他們曾受到壓抑,長大後會對公平問題特別敏感。

1. 他們是各種出生順序中事業心最差的,他們傾向找不太費力的工作,最好是那些能配合他們休閒生活的事。
2. 他們是各種排行中,興趣最廣泛的一種,所以他們通常都多才多藝,即使在運動上也是如此。
3. 他們對涉及社交、藝術方面的工作最高興,他們在音樂、語言、藝術方面都很有表現。
4. 他們容易成為好的合作夥伴,因為他們具備與人建立關係的能力。他們習慣依賴別人(配偶或同事)為他們解決問題。
5. 他們若處於負責任的高位,常會感到不知所措或不安全。他們缺乏自律,常難做出決定。

1. 他們通常是最善交際、最受歡迎的人。
2. 若是來自大家庭,他們可能希望擁有自己私人的空間。

1. 他們更有興趣讓自己過得快樂,因而常會成為違反社會期望的父母。

1. 要學著在必要時負起更多的責任,靠自己「長大起來」。

A) 一般特徵:
1. 他們可能具有其他出生順序的特徵,但也可能缺乏鮮明的特徵。
2. 他們缺乏最大、最小孩子的特權與寵愛,因此缺乏安全感。
3. 他們擅長和所有類型的人打交道,因此常讓他們成為好的談判者,善於爭取公平的裁決。
4. 他們不善採取主動或獨立思考。
5. 為避免失敗,他們對任何事也不會做得太久。

1. 為了使自己感到重要,排行中間的孩子也許會很有競爭心,儘管他們不直接跟家中的人競爭。
2. 通常善於處理人際關係,成為外交家、秘書、律師這些職務要求的不是雄心大志,而是智慧與耐心。
3. 他們也能成為中級主管,因為他們了解人們的需求。

1. 和朋友在一起,他們才感到獨立、平等。所以他們擅長社交,渴望家庭以外的朋友。

1. 他們通常會有美滿的婚姻,因為他們很在意屬於他們自己的家庭

1. 別太管你的家人如何看待你,多聽聽外面的人怎樣讚賞你。
2. 你得想想自己真正要什麼,並且準備承擔與人對抗的風險來達成它,不要總是不顧自己的要求和想法。

Sunday, February 25, 2007



其實電影的構思很好,我想很多人都會有類似的想法或幻想.而且展品會活過來本來就是很好玩的一件事,沒必要講一大堆道理的.這一點,我倒覺得電影處理得不錯.加上讓Ben Stiller來講耶穌也未免不太能讓人信服.當然,電影還是表達了很多良好意願:世界大同、互相包容、反戰、對別人要有愛心、不要輕易放棄但也要有自知之明...當然,還有最經典的惡有惡報啦.如果要說道理的話,就留給家長們回家再跟小朋友慢慢討論吧.在電影裡面長篇大論只會大殺風景.所以Sandee跟我都覺得男主角向兇神惡殺的匈奴施以*無比*愛心的那一段有點太過火了.


很多段我都很喜歡,但最喜歡的是那隻會走會轉頭的玉麒麟(Thanks J!我還以為是平常看門口的獅子而不是麒麟).平常看到的都是石頭做的,還要是一動不動硬繃繃的.在戲裏「牠」居然會動!實在太可愛了.可惜找遍了都找不到一張半張照片,只好憑自己的記憶把牠好好記住了.

Friday, February 23, 2007



終於用咗三晚(每晚只能睇一、兩個鐘,因為會畀阿媽鬧話唔瞓覺)、兩個lunch time同兩朝早(即出門前一個鐘左右)嘅時間(但其實有兩、三集係响三色台樹睇嘅)將《大話妹》(原名為My Girl.哎呀,點解official site無英文??好啦,去哩個啦!)煲完了!好唔捨得呀~套劇有幾好睇?我唔寫啦.因為我肯定唔夠啲die hard fans瘋狂,亦無咁嘅功力同熱情去寫究竟我幾鍾意套劇,所以有興趣嘅話,可以去啲論壇上面睇啦.不過,我想second阿柯蓮娜姐嘅推介:呢套劇嘅音樂真係做得好好!襯住套劇聽又得,分開不停煲又得!而且,人哋幾有心機呀,同一首歌可以做幾個唔同嘅mixing嚟襯翻場戲.有時可以唔同到以為係另一首歌!港劇大概無辦法做到咁嘅水準啩?雖則我當年都買過《妙手人心》嘅原聲大碟...但算罷啦,咁好嘅音樂配落家陣三色台啲所謂嘅小生花旦同爛gag劇本到,盞浪費咗啲正歌囉(更姑勿論隔籬二奶台啦).


煲劇時我嘅症狀有:唔夠瞓、睇睇下自己响到爆笑或喪喊、返工時心神恍惚做做下嘢會响到傻笑、集中唔到精神時時刻刻會掛住套劇恨不得可以馬上睇完、腦裏面不停响到自動重溫精華片段同埋玩跳線CD機(依家响到播緊啦.再嚴重啲會控制唔到係咁哼埋出嚟o添)、周圍揾睇過嘅人討論劇情、不停地向未睇嘅人推薦、如果係响電腦上睇嘅話仲會不停咁cap screen(然後幻想自己個樣貼咗响鍾意嘅嗰個男主角旁邊)...

嗱,俾兩張好s-weet s-weet嘅screen shot你哋望下啦:




今次個男主角叫李東旭(仲有:1,2,3).雖然唔能夠話完全係我杯茶(佢細過我!>_<~~~),但真係好得囉!!!超鍾意佢把聲,夠厚但又唔會粗聲粗氣.就係佢令我覺得原來文係可以好好聽!攪到我同Sandee依家好認真咁考慮緊係咪去學文!!佢同Yoo Rin sshi講"sarang hae"時,我簡直溶咗...我唔寫咁多啦,怕羞嘛. :P

熱切期待佢下部新戲Strongest Romance!

Thursday, February 22, 2007
















Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Calbee大搜查(七):歐洲特別版 - 芝士火鍋味

終於把之前買的芝士火鍋味(Käsefondue Würzte)的薯片吃掉啦.可能已經放得太久,久得連吃它的衝動也大大減退.剛好我們今天要去看電影,所以就把它帶進去消滅了.也因為是帶了進去戲院,所以便沒有拍到薯片的模樣啦.

長話短說,薯片是薄切的;芝士味適中,比我想像中好得多,不會很鹹或很濃.吃後也不會覺得很膩或噁心.我是芝士白痴所以分不出是用甚麼種類的芝士.比起外國的芝士洋蔥(cheese & onion)口味,這算是溫和的多了.但我還是比較喜歡芝士洋蔥口味,可能是比較惹味吧,就算是濃了一點.



Where does the wind come from, all of a sudden? 19C

Thanks to Kafka for bringing back the good old memories that I have once indulged myself every day in the long-forgotten daydream that I would go to Buenos Aries someday to really feel the Libertango with my ears, my eyes, my skin and my soul.

And thanks to YouTube for showing me that the same music has been adapted and played in so many different ways. Even though my favourite is still the original irreplaceable performance with the bandoneón, the guitar trio is nonetheless an awesome alternative:

Monday, February 19, 2007










Saturday, February 17, 2007







I refuse to admit that Winter is over.19C

I've finally had the courage to try playing squash again. Ever since I twisted my right knee two years ago, I have stopped playing badminton and squash, because there was simply no way for me not to run and would have the ball/shuttle hit. But then, of course, I am not a pro player, I don't even qualify as a squash player, the amount of "running" I did was really minimal.

For me, playing squash equals: locate the ball, swing the racquet backward and MISS! Yes, I usually hope that the ball can find its way to make contact with my racquet so I don't have to strike the ball at all. And usually I run forward too much and there is not enough space for the racquet to come back. And, usually, actually most importantly, I am too slow for the ball.

But oh well, it is a ball game that I can play on my own (yes, I played this morning by myself! Yeah! :D), and some sort of exercise that I can use my brain as well as my limps (cf. running on a treadmill. My friend, H, once suggested we might be running on the treadmill to general electricity for the gym. Who knows? Maybe it's true?!). I actually sort of like squash because it's a very "cool" sports (my dad used to play it and he REFUSES to teach me.) and of these two reasons. I can't talk when playing sports. First, I'm usually out of breath, and second, why the heck should I use my brain to think of a conversation instead of focusing on how to play the game more strategically, or simply just to play it with the correct postures??

Anyway, I only played for half an hour this morning. I did some warm up but once I started to run to catch the ball, I heard my right knee cracking again. And cracking means that the knee is twisted, or nearly twisted. So within the first five minutes, I heard it cracked twice, and that was really scary. I thought I was going to spend the new year in wheelchair again. But luckily, after some rather still forearm practices, my knee didn't hurt anymore. I actually managed to have 17 continuous hits. That was some achievement, even though most of the 30 minutes was serve-and-miss. Maybe I should start taking squash lessons again.

Thursday, February 15, 2007







Wednesday, February 14, 2007




家裏通常都只在茶几上放一盤水仙,因為之前幾年的跳舞蘭和蝴蝶蘭都依然茂盛,年年開花.去年,樓上的鄰居/媽媽的朋友又送了幾枝富貴竹.再加上地方淺窄,根本想再買其他的花也都沒地方放了.對我來說,水仙最有新年氣氛和童年回憶.那幾年當華僑/遊子的日子,就是欠了那麼一盤水仙花,農曆年一點都不像農曆年.[別提利是收入減少那回事了...]再說,水仙佔地不多,姿態優雅(當然要是你買了一盤龍飛鳳舞的話,那另當別論),還有那清香...[如果薑花的香氣是我第一最愛,茉莉是第二的話,那水仙就是第三了.] 嘩~






Tuesday, February 13, 2007







同學:「係呀... ...?」(滿臉狐疑的,好像還有一絲惶恐.)


同學:「唔係... 」


同學:「唔係... 」(大概開始覺得我有點白撞了吧.)


同學:「係唔係小學? 」(嘩!她居然會繼續著猜猜猜的遊戲.)


同學:「係呀!但係...妳係...??? 」(繼續錯愕、迷惘中.)


同學:「哦...係呀,我記得啦... 」(當真?!)






Monday, February 12, 2007

The Power of Tiffany

Saw this ad on NYTimes' electronic paper. Doesn't it make you smile? Doesn't it make you want to come closer and try to find out what's in it?

The ad is powerful; or I should say, branding is powerful. The ad is succinct, it's pure (!), it's immediately recognizable, and it draws your attention by that tiny placid aqua of a tranquil lake.

OK, maybe it'll set off the butterflies in the guys' stomachs to fly in all crazy directions.

To Watch List


As my small mind has been pre-occupied by various deadlines and homework lately, I think I'd better jot down what upcoming movies to watch out before I forget about them all.

- Becoming Jane (how can I miss this?? Just noticed this on imdb when I was checking out news of Ian Richardson's death. And guess who's going to be the young Jane? It's Andreaaaah in The Devil wears Prada)
- The Queen (ok, it's finally coming to HK on Mar 1)
- Protege (a little closer. it'll be in theatre tomorrow! Very likely will take mum to watch this over the long weekend) watched on 2/20/07
- Music and Lyrics (just because I like Hugh Grant, but then, it's more likely to be a vcd/dvd candidate)
- Hannibal Rising
- Pan's Labyrinth
and then there are these two with very confusing titles but equally intriguing plot
- Little Children (with my favs - Kate Winslet & Jennifer Connelly!!)
- Children of Men (but I don't like Clive Owen)

and of course
- Harry Potter V in the summer!
um... no idea if these are to be shown this year at all...
- The Invasion
- Golden Compass

and there are still a few that are showing but I still haven't made any action to get myself into a cinema seat, so they are likely to become the next vcd/dvd candidate:
- Marie Antoinette
- Copying Beethoven
- Perfume
- Fur

I'm sure i'm missing a lot more but these are the ones that I could remember for now...

Sunday, February 11, 2007






A. 過去、原因:

B. 狀況、現在:

C. 將會怎樣、之後:

D. 目前週遭的狀況、對問題所知:

E. 結果、應該怎麼做:

Thursday, February 08, 2007








Wednesday, February 07, 2007







Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Asking Questions in Class

One Fine, Rather Humid, Night.19C

There are two sessions of the first year students in my program. One has classes on one Tuesday plus Saturday afternoon, while the other has a full Saturday of 2 classes. This, of course, was only planned for the core courses, as the electives would have all sorts of different crazy time slots. So, somehow, the weekday + weekend session people don't really mingle with the full weekend session people. I guess it's quite natural - there is simply very little chance for us to see the other class. Even if we do, we have each formed our little circles and it was difficult to break into them. And why should we anyway, if we were just going to the other session because we couldn't make it to our own session?

Anyway, in addition to the different time schedule, it seems that some distinction has been drawn between the two sessions by our professors. My session has been repeatedly commented by various professors as a much quieter class. (One professor has nicely put it that we were the "smarter" class.) They always say that it must be because we are exhausted from work and so we don't ask any questions.

That could be true. But, I think that only constitutes 10% of the reality. I think it's just because my session has more people who have already learnt the material, and are shier to raise questions in class. There are a couple who always ask questions, but seriously, those questions are rather irrelevant. I also noticed that quite a few people like to talk to professors during the breaks. That is good use of time, I reckon. But sometimes I find it quite awkward that those people were really just trying to make conversation because they didn't have anything constructive to ask/talk to the professor. (But, well, social talk could be good. I guess at least the profs will recognise your face.) Then, time is not so well used, at least, maybe from the professor's point of view.

I admire those who ask questions or make comments in class. It is a bold act - you give in yourself to the possibility of being seen as a dim-wit when you ask an obvious question, or you confuse 99% of the class and people start labeling you as an outlier (which, could lead to an outsider). There is this "face" problem. And then, there is this problem of revealing your cards in your hands. Whichever it maybe, people (especially in HK) tend to keep quiet even when they are in doubt. Discussion forums are not popular either for similar reasons.

This then means classes are not very productive as there is no discussion. It is rather a pity, but that seems like how the classes are turning out now. People are afraid to talk - they are afraid to make mistakes. No new ideas are sparkled, no doubts are solved. Professors have to keep asking whether we have any question, as if to reassure themselves that we have been attentive and alert. Classes become boring and unnecessary. We might as well go home and finish the reading and write the exam on the assigned day. Professors may eventually become the person who falls asleep in class.

On the other hand, is it more constructive in the other session that has so many quesitons? I have been to their classes a few times, yet I could not determine. There were some good questions, but most of the time, they were asking questions that I didn't understand (or I couldn't figure out where they got the idea from to ask those questions). Maybe, I wasn't thinking as hard as they did. Maybe, I have gone to classes leaving my brain behind at home.

Maybe, I should start working harder and try harder to understand thoroughly what has be taught in class.

Monday, February 05, 2007





似等了一百年 忽已明白 即使再見面 成熟地表演 不如不見


Sunday, February 04, 2007









Friday, February 02, 2007

No Comment


It sucks, doesn't it, when you want to leave a comment on one of the entries that you've just read but you couldn't... because there is a bug and the hosting server/provider couldn't figure it out and fix it within 24 hours?

Well, I'm having one of those "No Comment" day today.

So, sorry folks, not that I didn't want you guys to leave any comment on my blog, but Blogger is having an issue with it. :P

I've just read this post that someone's got a temp fix. Ooooook, i'm going to give that a try!

[ok. i tried. the temp fix worked. just click on the post comment link as usual and you should get the annoying error. BUT THEN, go to the address bar and type a "2" after www so it becomes "". and that'd work. i tried. :)

Thanks to dreamflow for sharing this workaround! And thanks to all of you who've let me know... one way or the other. :)]

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Bread and Butter Pudding

Great Cool Night.16C

I've just had a great buffet dinner with the annual party committee members at the Grand Cafe of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Not only the food was wonderful, but I have heard many interesting stories. Anyway, back to the food. It was magnificent. There were many choices: sashimi (it was ok, I think Cafe Too at Is-Shang was MUCH better, if the quality was still the same as that time I went so many years ago), seafood (mussels, shrimps, some sort of shell :P), great steak, lamb chop, fish, lobsters (I didn't have this because I don't really like lobsters), various types of salad, onion soup (I missed it!!!), cream of smoked salmon soup, water crest & pork rib soup (Chinese), and you can create your own noodles. And... there is a great selection of cheese (though not something that I'd touch) and DESSERTS!

Of the desserts, they have crepes, again with your own choice of fillings, sprinkled in heavenly dark chocolate sauce; waffles; various cakes, such as tiramisu (it's divine! The cake/lady's finger portion at the bottom was soaked in the right amount of rum so it's not too wet. The mascarpone cheese was not too soft and mushy, instead it's quite bouncy and like a rather stiff foam. Oh, it was so much better than the one I made. This would be my goal!), black forest cake, apple strudel, mango pudding, mango cheese cake, white chocolate ice cream, Chinese cup cake (I don't know how should I call it, but it's 缽仔糕), honey dew melon, hami melon, water melon, and the green apple sorbet that I really wanted to try but missed because I was way too full to take another sip.

And O-M-G! They actually have bread and butter pudding with vanilla sauce!!!!!

I seriously have screamed it out loud when I saw the little card in front of the dish as it's covered. I couldn't believe that they would prepare it. And the British girl was rather astonished to see my reaction as I guess not many people, especially Asian, would like this rather dull and simple looking dessert.

My first bite was in Philly when my college friend took me to this Irish bar/restaurant in downtown one day. I love it the moment I tasted it. The bread and butter pudding (though similar, but different from bread pudding) we had was actually all soaked in custard sauce, a little harder, but you still couldn't feel that it's really bread. Anyway, it's divine. The portion was actually quite big and we two girls just gulped it all down. (um.. hopefully I remember it correctly, otherwise I'm making up my memories.) And from that moment on, whenever I go to a British/Irish restaurant, I would look for bread and butter pudding, just as I would look for tiramisu when I go to an Italian restaurant or green tea ice-cream at a Japanese restaurant.

And tonight's was not a disappointment, though the bread was like the mascarpone cheese in the tiramisu, it's a little cheesier and foamier than I have expected. Yet the texture was smooth and the vanilla sauce... oh, I just wanted to melt in it!

I don't know how much is the buffet, but I think it'll be very expensive. And the only thing that would lure me back will not be the lobster nor the sashimi, but the bread and butter pudding!

(sorry... didn't take any photos as it'd look kinda weird.)