Monday, December 10, 2007

In my dreams!


OK, I really should be drafting the introduction and re-writing another part for my class project but what could be more tempting than surfing on the net for beautiful dresses and dreaming myself looking gorgeous in them?

I'd say fashion blogs are evil... no, I mean the internet is evil.

Anyway, a few picks that I think I'll look good in... in another life. (ok, in my dreams then. sigh)

1. Bottega Veneta Smocked silk dress

The website labeled it as a "Runaway Look". I'd say it's the "make me broke look". Why? Because it's £1,621.28!!! Even though now it has a 40% discount, it still costs a handsome £972.77!

Nonetheless, it's sexy, it's elegant, it's killing.

2. Derek Lam Kimono Bow Tie Dress

Love that purple! The dress' cutting is simple, yet chic and hip. But it would need slender arms and legs to go with it. i.e. not my dress. OK, I'll wear it in my dreams.

How much is it? Yup, it's a whooping US$1,690.

3. Bottega Veneta Bustle detail dress

So, I have been trying very hard to find *my* LBD, but, of course, all efforts have been in vain. And yet again, even when I've found something close to my ideal LBD, I was too slow in owning it. This one is so popular that it is no longer available on the NAP site. Never mind, it doesn't quite fit in my criteria anyway, because it's beyond my budget - $1,390!

Sorry, I'm speaking in USD.

4. Chloe Strapless pleated gown

Let's take a break from the boring black and tough chic style, and return to a bit of femininity. This divine-looking, flowing dress requires, again, a slender body, a flat tummy (as always), slim arms, a decent height (i.e. 5'9"+ ??), and undoubtedly, balanced-looking collar bones! By that, I mean the person wearing it cannot be so skinny that her collar bones look as if they are about to protrude.

Honestly, I love the style, but not the colour. But then you can't make it too pale, or it'll look like pjs; and too dark will hide the details and dull the dress. Anyway, why should I trouble myself over such question? It's a dress of US$2,708! (OK, it US$6,770, so it's already 60% off. *Yeah!!* It's a *real* bargain!!) I can't afford it anyway...

5. Moschino Ruffle detail dress

OK, I lie. I can't help going back to black dresses. But this one is feminine. Look! It's got ruffles on the back! Yet, it still looks chic and stylish. It's a bit like #2 up there, isn't it? It's must be because of the deep-V, which somehow seems to be still in season. But the fabric is very different - this one is a lot softer. And the back is different, too.

Sigh, £829.79. [I've accidentally opened it on the UK site and the price tag changed to £975. WTH?!]

OK, enough for me to weep myself into sleep. The harsh reality has dawned clearly on me that these are the dresses that I will never look good in. *weep* *weep*

[Photo credits:, the fab (& super expensive) online fashion site!]


  1. i like #1 and #5, but i don't have nice long legs... how abt go w/ a pair of boots? :)

  2. i think #5 would go well w/ boots but probably not #1.

    aiya.. my legs are too fat to stick into boots la >_<~

  3. oh, should be #2 and #5.
    yeah. #2 better w/ high heels. forget abt it. ;)

  4. #1 is already sold out! wtf!! ~_~

  5. hehe, I like #4.


  6. 發下夢好喇,早幾篇先話窮……仲要減肥增高喎……

  7. MD: #2 and #5 are really similar woh. haha your taste is consistent!

    冬冬: really???? last night when i checked, the "sold out" pop up wasn't there ga boh...

    uncle ray: #4 is really graceful too. aii...

    3: exactly la. but you have to admit that these dresses are fab and gorgeous. anyway, that's what blogs are for - good place to procrastinate and dream on XD

  8. 其實講唔講得你o既工作性質係?!

  9. oh...好高貴...

  10. baggioowen: 打雜.

    達奇‧雞: 放在我身上也會很怪呀.不過很漂亮的裙子... *流口水中*

  11. Save these pictures and bring them to SZ...keke I"m sure they can replicate it! =)

  12. sandee: i think they have already been replicated XD

  13. baggioowen: 打雜.

    ^== o下... 問你一句就識你
    咁問多你一個問題咪你深交law ?!?? -_-""

  14. Hey, you should be looking for "comfy island chic". These are way to flashy for afternoon cocktail party. And don't think you should wear black at a wedding?

  15. baggioowen: 哈,都係順口問下者.

    cosmicrays: aiya.. of coz these are not for that purpose. yeah and mum said my friend would definitely prefer ppl to wear red :P

  16. when i was gonna to get married several years ago, i found an extremely elegant chloe dress. i couldn't help dreaming about me wearing it! I even walked into Joyce and checked out the price! wow HK$30,000!

    btw, there are shops providing service to tailor make dress and allow you to bring in designs. give some thoughts on it? ^^

  17. crazy isn't it? oh that reminds me... i should have forwarded that email to you. will do that tmr at work.

    tailor made dresses... always run into disaster. the design looks perfect but with my measurements, it always looked, somehow, horrendous. -__-;
