1) 圖中的小狐狸是在愛寶樂園買的.樂園有賣各種動物的帽子:老虎呀,獅子呀,小綿羊呀...第一次看到小狐狸是看到了一個工作人員美眉戴了小狐狸帽子,手上穿著小狐狸手套,還有背著小狐狸背包.超可愛的!其實原本我並沒有想買公仔之類的東西,因為真的沒地方放了.可是看到小狐狸了還是忍不住.最後在要走之前才找到這個貼在玻璃上的小小狐狸.到我出了出口後,竟然看到一個proper size的小狐狸毛公仔!!!!不過,那店也沒開,是注定的吧.到旅行車起動之後,我才突然想起:「為甚麼我沒給柏買一個?!」唉,太遲了.
2) 在明洞自由活動時下雪了,剛好看到店裏在賣手套.想起我那雙穿起後一直會要掉的手套,決定要買一雙新的.原本想要的是皮手套,可是要找到一雙對的是很難呀!最後,見到一雙梅紅色的麂皮手套就買了.
3) 沒買Laneige,不過之後後悔了.因為專門店是會送很多試用品的!!!(有團友在專賣店買了一瓶Water Bank,卻送了一大包的試用品!)不過,買了與Laneige同公司的Daycell專給懶人用的Bright Sleeping Pack 和 eye mask.是在被導遊帶去梨泰院一家賣Laneige、Marmonde、Evisu的樓上店買的.店員是會講廣東話的!!!說是有八折,但我回來後上網查Daycell的資料,發現所謂八折後的價錢其實是公價. >_<~
4) 還有一瓶海底泥面膜.不過是媽嚷著要買的.我們在濟州第二天住的酒店有包了一個水療,其中一樣就是在桑拿房裏一邊焗桑拿,一邊敷這個海底泥面膜.敷了之後,臉還真的滑了不少.
5) 在民俗村買了ong kong gi(是我亂拼的啦,因為我也不知道它的中/英文是甚麼.說是甚麼野生花,只有在濟州島的漢拏山山上和阿爾卑斯山山上才有)的蜜糖和濟州獨有的黑色五味子蜜.是蠻好喝的就是了.
6) 高麗人蔘是少不了啦.原本以為是不會買的,但媽聽完了之後就說,好像很好呀,買來我們一起吃呀.於是,就買了.
That little fox is very very cute!
ReplyDeleteI asked someone to brought Laneige for me in Korea last year, she also bought me a bag of sample!!!
Nevermind la, you can buy in HK.
That fox is really cute! Is he a cartoon character?
ReplyDeleteI've never been to Korea before...do you recommend it?
yee? my response has disappeared... here's a reproduction:
ReplyDeletethat little fox was so cute that's why i had to buy it in the end. :) Everland has a lot of animals and they make many different merchandises based on these animals. when i write up my korea trip, i'll pose the miss little fox as well :)
Laneige... well, it's not much of a big deal actually, but the bag of samples is really HUGE @_@
Korea... well, if you haven't been, i think it doesn't hurt to go. but just don't make comparison to japan. the only problem i have was that i don't speak korean and koreans' english isn't that good, that's why we've joined the group tour. Cheju was v pretty! but it rained a lot while we were there, so make sure you're going in the right season.