不知道從甚麼時候開始長唇瘡(看那些誘因... 好慘!).小時候對它的認知很少,二舅父不知道從哪裏得知這是疱疹一型病毒引起的,於是他一見到我長了一顆,就笑我長疱疹.嗚!(那時候好小,其實連疱疹是甚麼都不知道.可是被他這麼一笑當然就知道不可能是好物了.)可惡的是,一旦長了第一顆,以後有機會它就會悄悄偷襲,是完全無法防備的.
平常家裏都會常備一管藥膏的,出門的時候也會帶.可是這次在收拾行李的時候就是怎麼都找不着.心想算了,該不會那麼邪門吧.誰知道在白川鄉就開始長了一顆.(要安排交通/駁巴士,壓力好大的嘛...!)[去玩,還壓力大?P~呀!]可是沒有藥,媽媽那管也剛好沒帶,於是黑白天鵝爸爸就不停的說要去買藥去買藥去買藥......... (下刪一千次+.)終於熬到了東京,心想好啦,我去藥房看看好了,你不要在變身天鵝啦.可是事與願違,跑了幾家,都說要醫生開藥方才能來買藥喔.嗚哇!是甚麼時候變成是一級管制藥物的呢?(後來在電視上看到有賣廣告呢.看來日本人也是經常長這個?)
There's a brand here called Zovirax that's specific for cold sores. There's also apparently a cold sore plaster (tiny transparent circular-shaped) that would make the sore disappear in less than five minutes. Not sure if you have them in HK but it might just be the same brand as the one you discovered in Japan? (Disclaimer: I have never had any cold sores so I've never tried any of the above so obviously cannot vouch for their efficacy based on personal experience).
ReplyDeleteI clicked on that "double-flyer" brand you listed, and was a bit put off by the idea that this peppermint cure can be taken orally as well as being applied as an ointment. I would only have dared to use it as an external application to be honest!
i've used Zovirax before but it's not that effective and it's expensive. Generic ones sometimes are better than the branded meds, and so much cheaper!
ReplyDeletethe sticker thing is not popular in hk, at least i haven't seen any ads/promotions :P but i don't know if i want to stick sth to the cold sore, since it gets REALLY sore! XD
haha... but 白花油 also can be used as an ointment as well as taken orally wor... so i guess it's not that unique or weird :P
Oh I didn't realise that 白花油 could be taken orally! That's just gross! Especially when it stinks like something that will just burn your throat all the way down... In that case the peppermint cure sounds far more palatable... I guess as long as it works...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, just want to wish you a healthy and happy 2010!
hahaha... sorry to have grossed you out at this moment of festivity. but that might help when the moment comes (of coz, given that there's the ointment around you. :P)
ReplyDeletehappy new year to you, too! :)