Today at 11:10
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 24 people to be tagged, plus the person that tagged you (for a total of 25 people tagged in your note). If I tagged you, it's because I think it would be great to know more about you.
Thanks cr for tagging me (and also for wanting to know more about me? :P). Here's my version.
I'm doing it in Chinese:
1. 上次寫過六樣了.(可以直接跳到7吧?)
2. (算了,我還是乖乖的寫.)中一上科學堂(在實驗室裏)不知道為甚麼要在站lab檯上.突然差錯腳踩了進去鋅盤,又不只怎樣的被全班發現,狂笑了一大輪.
3. 中學時是圖書館員.
4. 我的轉不在頭頂.
5. 討厭扮成楚楚可憐的偽善人.
6. 其實一般的偽善人我也是很討厭的.
7. 某程度上,在某場合裏,自己也要偽善一番.
8. 所以,有時候也很討厭自己.(咦,這樣子就4點了.嘻嘻)
9. 小時候耳膜曾經穿過一個小洞.耳鳴了好一陣子.
10. 左右手的無名指跟我媽一樣都是微微彎曲的.
11. 不喜歡戴首飾,除了習慣戴項鍊(還有那保平安的玉鏈墬).
12. 承上,沒有穿耳洞.
13. 喜歡貓,可是不會跟牠們太接近.我覺得我像阿葉公.
14. 小時候養過烏龜,並觸怒過牠,讓牠發惡咬住了我的筷子.
15. 我爸說我最會佔殖民地.因為家裏雜物最多的是我,佔的地方(相對地)最多也是我.
16. 其實我不是很喜歡讓人家知道我的事情(幹嘛還寫blog?!),但如果我喜歡你,我會讓你知道我的一切一切.
17. 兩個月大的時候被灌了第一口酒.
18. 很想合群,但奈何維持不了多久.
19. 我想,我還是有OCD的.
20. 經常在不知道的情況下因為口沒遮攔而得罪人.
21. 但有時候是故意的.
22. 害怕跟人吵架,因為總是輸(吵不到兩句就會想哭).
23. 偶爾會懷念在綿羊國的日子.
24. 好想剪個爽朗型的短髮,但一定會很醜.
25. 愛錢.
ReplyDelete我老覺得這些不易寫, 如果要我寫不知是否寫得出25項, 又或者都不知寫了些什麼出來。
xq: 是一口氣寫的呀,中間頓了個十來分鐘吧.不過你說得對,寫到一般已經想不出來要寫甚麼了.
ReplyDelete(其實我成枱係野.... (長假後遺症)但我八了. =p)
ReplyDelete你的頭髮也有點天生曲吧?那就別輕舉妄動去剪什麼短髮呀!我有一年傻了. 足足樣衰了兩三年先長番呀. 要哭了.
出來工作, 也好難不偽善吧?話說我未出來做野個陣, 都唔明點解d 人可以假到咁. 但自己出0左黎做野, 就自自然然也成為假人了. 但好在一走出公司, 我唔會再做假人羅.
能一口氣寫下來的都是the first thing that came to mind...
> 其實我不是很喜歡讓人家知道我的事情
cr: because i'm a procrastinator! haha.. i think it took me a bit under an hour lor
ReplyDeletekuma: i tried once... cut to shoulder length and it was a disaster. so it will remain a dream la.. sigh.
and about hypocrites. oh well... the world will not progress without them, i guess. (but they are also the ones hindering real growth)
rice: yes - so it shouldn't really take too long.
no woh... :P
yes and no... it's a diff kind of life. there's no real sense of belonging.
ReplyDelete好想知你個轉響邊囉.. :P 仲有細細個俾人灌酒,我都係!
ReplyDeleteuncle ray: 會呀.因為我不停用筷子duk牠的嘴巴. (唉,愛護動物協會不要來找我.我已經made amends with it啦.)
ReplyDeleteaulie: 下次幾得問我,我指俾你睇 :P
好無良囉,d大人... :(
最會佔殖民地 ~ 我本來都係, 不過真係一山還有一山高! :)
ReplyDeletemd: 咁你依家咪有機會咁話人囉.嘻嘻 :P
ReplyDeletepuiyee: ai.. but then i might regret it later :(
ReplyDelete3) I worked in the library too, but not client facing, just in the back. I was too ugly even by library standard.
ReplyDelete8) Self-loathing ... we all do that.
14) You were lucky it could be worse
16) Self-contradictory ... we all do that.
17) You thought? Probably earlier.
18) You want to be a sheep?
20) Only the independently well off people can afford to do such a thing.
21) See what I mean.
22) see 6, 7, and 8
23) because of 18
25) so you can do more 20 and 21
3) um... who cares what the librarian looks like? as long as s/he is efficient... i think.
ReplyDelete14) yes, i know. lucky i wasn't poking it with my finger!
18 and the rest) LOL ^_^
thanks for coming by!