Sunday, February 19, 2006

犀照... 49 days


看後感...有空補上! :P

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Valentine's @ Amigo

Hazy/Sticky. Very Humid (89%!!!). 22C (!!!! it's winter?!)

So, it's another single Valentine's day. Situation at work was actually not as bad as I had imagined - no questions and all that stuff. The office on my side was not clustered with bouquets (I'm not sure what it was like on the other side of the toilet, but I saw girls transferring the bouquet into a vase.) And since I'm still relatively new at the team, my teammates have not attacked me with questions or teases; instead, they have all targeted at Mr. Chan as usual. [but then it seems that he's been in quite a good mood these couple of days, and left office before 7pm; when leaving at 8 or 9 was a norm for him!] As I have rightly forecasted I would have no date on the day, I have suggested to Dad that I would take Mum out to dinner at Amigo on his behalf. To make the whole plan looks good, I have ordered a bouquet with 11 champagne coloured roses:

Anyway, dinner was ok. The food was of course great, but the restaurant is just so unromantic! It's not because I went there with Mum. First of all, we went for the first round (6.30 - 8pm), so that we won't have to be hungry, etc., but yes, it's quite rush. Second, the restaurant was rather bright!! You could see so clearly what the next table was eating. Third, it's crammed of tables. It is of course the best time for a renowned restaurant like Amigo, but still......

oh well, maybe I'm just being sour. Thanks Dad for the dinner! :P

Friday, February 10, 2006


近來禽流感越趨嚴重,已經發展到不能散養雞隻了.我同事妙品的媽媽在新界的家是有養幾隻雞,每逢過年就宰一隻來吃.其中一隻公雞已經養了好幾年, 聽說毛色還非常鮮艷,神氣十分的模樣.可因香港政府愛民的政策卻遭到了無妄之災而不得好死...

媽媽長大在偉大的祖國動盪的時代,久不久就會有甚麼甚麼運動,我不肯定對一個小孩長大會造成甚麼的影響,不過肯定帶來了不一樣的回憶.適逢"除四害"的運動,學校要求小朋友們每天交出一些東西當作功課.甚麼東西?就是"四害"呀!哪,"四害"又是甚麼呢?就是:蒼蠅、蚊子、老鼠、麻雀 (其實那天問起媽媽四害是甚麼,她居然忘了其中一樣!)
1. 把老鼠的尾把切下來,綁起來一吊吊的拿去交給老師
2. 把蒼蠅一隻隻放進去火柴盒子裏,一盒盒的拿去交給老師
3. 蚊子嘛,我想該是跟交蒼蠅的方法一樣吧
4. 麻雀呢,就是把牠們的腳一對對的剪/切下來,也是綁起來一串串的拿去給老師


上天有好生之德,這樣子的除四害實在是... 善哉善哉!